Chapter 2: finding it out

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Still your p.o.v.

I looked at my schedule, looks like my first class was art. I looked around at everyone who's locker was by mine. Most of them would be in my homeroom, considering that's how lockers worked. It took me about 10 minuets and then a boy walked up to me. "Do you need help?" He asked me. I turned to look at him, "um.. Yeah.. Kind of, I can't get the locker open.." He smiled at me and walked up to my locker. "What's your combination?" He asked my putting his hand on the lock setting it to zero. "32-38-16," I replied. He opened it in a short second, "thanks, so what's your first class?" I asked making conversation. "Art," he answered. "Same," I smiled and then continued to throw crap in my locker. Suddenly a girl walked up to us, "Hi, I'm Mabel!" She yelled and looked down at me. I shoved myself in my locker the best I could, trying to hide. "It's okay, I won't bite... Usually." She laughed at her own joke. "Are you new around here?" She asked me. "No, I've lived in Gravity falls my whole life, but before this, I was homeschooled and took a couple online classes," I replied. "COOL!" Mabel shouted nearly making me go deaf. "What's your name?" The boy asked me. "(Y/N)." "Cool, mine's Dipper by the way." He smiled at me. "Dipper?" I asked under my breath to myself, what kind of name..? "We moved here over the summer to live with our great uncle, well now our grunkles." She said, making me a little confused. "Our parents let us stay for school." She added, "bye bro-bro, I'm going to History" she said walking a little down the hall to her class.

"Are you two cousins or something because you look really similar," I told him. "No, we're twins," he corrected. "Oh." The bell rang making me nearly have a heart attack, that was going to take some getting use to.

I sat down and turned to glance at Dipper who was sitting at my table behind my back. Our art teacher, Mr. Hammon, was telling us about what it takes to be a 'true artist.' I could tell some kids weren't excited about some dumb lecture. Then he went on about different projects we'd be graded on and what we would be graded for. It was pretty much an A if you actually did the project and turned it in. At the end of class it was time for me to go to my math class, algebra. I was good at math, but never really liked it. As I walked out I was stopped by an arm.
"So uh, if you don't have anyone to sit by a-at lunch, do you think y-you'd maybe want to sit by me and Mabel?" He asked me as I looked at him and shrugged. I walked to math, and apparently Mabel was in my class, she was sitting by a girl with long black hair. I smiled and shyly sat next to Mabel.

Mabel introduced me to Candy and asked if I wanted to sit by her at lunch. "Dipper asked me already, but sure," I replied. They started talking about their friend Grenda, who I would probably soon meet. The only thing I did in class today was get my books handed out to me.

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