Chapter 8: eternal sleep

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Once I had packed my bag, I was soon out my door already headed to Mabel and Dipper's. I had enough stuff packed to keep us entertained. I was walking through the forest quietly. By the time I had reached the shack it had began to get darker outside. I knocked on the door and Mabel answered. "Hey (Y/N)!" She said to me. Then she yelled to everyone else in the house, "(Y/N) is here everyone!" She yelled. I heard what sounded like was probably one of Mabel's Great Uncles. Mabel gestured me to come in. When we entered her room I saw Dipper doing something, digging through a box and looked as if he could possibly be organizing it or cleaning. "Hey Dipper," I smiled. He looked up at me, "Hey- oh hi (Y/N)" he greeted me and stood up. I smiled at him.

>Time skip<

Later on we had all decided to watch tv. We had been watching the marathon of duck-tective for what seemed like hours now. Mabel was sitting next to me. "You getting tired yet?" She asked me. "A little, but not really." I shrugged. Dipper glanced over at us. "Wanna just go back upstairs" she asked yawning. I nodded in response. We stood up, "hey Dipper, are you coming?" I asked. He looked up at me with a slight pink tint across his face. "Y-yeah." He told us and stood up, following us up the stairs to the musty attic.

In the attic Mabel flopped right down on her bed and pulled up next to her. "Oh, (Y/N) this is Waddles, my super awesome pig." She waved Waddles around making me laugh a bit. Dipper just sat down on his bed. "So, I'm getting tired, but you wanna do one more thing before that." She said sitting up in her bed placing her big pink pig beside her. "Like what," I asked. She shrugged in response. Dipper frowned, "let's just sleep." I sighed and nodded. Mabel smiled and I got on the floor and tried to fall asleep after Mabel yelled 'good night' and turned the lights off.

I laid in my sleeping bag for what seemed like hours. I couldn't fall asleep, as usual. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't do it. I opened them when I felt a body next to mine. It was Dipper. "You're still awake (Y/N)?" He asked me, "why?" I looked over at him, why was he asking that question. "Why, well because it's hard for me to fall asleep sometimes," I admitted. "Why are you awake?" I retorted and turned my body to him. He sighed, "dunno." He then turned to look at me, "you can jump in my bed if you want, if it will help you sleep, you know." He blushed in the darkness, the light from the window allowed me to see his face. "Sure," I said and flopped onto his bed. He just nuzzled himself on the floor curling into a ball. "You can sleep up here if you want, okay?" I said moving closer to the wall. It took a couple seconds of silence and and then I felt him get up onto the old mattress. I leaned a little closer to him and fell asleep knowing he was right there by my side.

The next morning I woke up with my something caught between my lower legs, ankles, and feet. Dipper. How did he end up there? I was in a ball and my head was close to the top of his head. I poked at his shaggy unbrushed hair and then he moved his head slightly and I saw something across his forehead. I lifted his hair that revealed a big birthmark looking like the Big Dipper. So I guess that's why he's called Dipper. I smiled and shook him awake. He looked up at me with sleepy eyes and then noticed where he was. His whole face turned deep red. "S-sorry!" He half screamed. "Dude, it's fine," I laughed. He looked up at me with relief, "good."

"Hey, so what's that little birthmark you got on your head?" I asked sitting up. "How did you know about-" he began as I cut him off. "I saw it," I shrugged. "It's cool," I added with a smile. "You think," he questioned. I nodded, "I wish I had a cool birthmark like that." I replied to him. We looked at each other for a couple seconds and woke up Mabel. She yawned, "Wanna help make some pancakes?" She asked excited, but sleepily. "Sure," I responded.

We all were in the kitchen. Dipper was reading and me and Mabel were making our pancakes. Dipper looked so cute with his face in his books. I sighed, I realized I'd fallen to hard for him. Oh god, I'm in trouble. I'm in love with Dipper Pines. I just knew he probably wouldn't like me back.

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