Chapter 7: plans

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By the time lunch had rolled around I was starving. I felt like I was dying of hunger. I was in the line when Dipper slid up behind me. "Why do you always have to run here?" He asked. I shrugged. "Aren't you tired, I mean like we just have gym and you're able to run right after? It makes me tired," he admitted. I smiled, "a little I guess." I told him with a slight blush. He looked down and when I looked at him he froze as his eyes widened as he noticed my blush making his own cheeks turn red. He looked at my eyes and we stayed like that until I looked away. "Sorry.." I muttered, half to myself. "It's fine," he said. I wonder what that was all about.

After we got out of the lunch line we sat down. I waited for Mabel to get out of line and I waved at her. She walked by and whispered something to Dipper and sat next to me. Dipper gave her an angrily look. I think mouthed 'don't do it' to his twin. Mabel just shook her head. I wonder what they're up to.. "So, (Y/N) since tomorrow is Friday I was. We were wondering," she began referring to Dipper, "if you wanted to have a sleepover with us." She asked. "Sure, I'll have to ask my parents though." I said with a smile. I saw Dipper acting strange. "You okay today? Like seriously, you were kinda.. angry earlier and now you're all... Well you're squirming and stuff a lot." I said describing what I had noticed. "F-fine! Fine! I'm fine. Just uh.. You know, guy stuff, yeah that's it." He said awkwardly. "Okay," I laughed a bit. We ate our lunch and had a few more conversations with Candy and Grenda as well.

~Time skip to the next day by Wirt~

It was close to the end of the day. 9th period. My Spanish class. Spanish always seemed extra long for some reason. Today however, had gone by fairly quickly. I was going over to Mabel and Dipper's for a sleepover today. I asked my parents last night and they said yes. I was really excited to sleepover there and spend time with them. Especially...... Dipper......

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