Chapter 3: questions

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Dipper p.o.v.

By the time lunch came around I found out that me and (Y/N) had more then one class together, we also had the same 5th period, gym. Our 6th period was lunch, so we walked together. We saw Mabel already sitting at a table with Candy, Grenda, and some random guy looking down when people would look at him. I stood in the lunch like next to (Y/N), she seemed really cool, and she was nice. It seemed like she was doing okay with the whole 'school thing.' It was confusing to me, because it was my first year in Jr. High, but it was her first year at an actual school. I always kinda wondered what it would be like to be homeschooled. For lunch we got to choose between cheeseburgers, hamburgers, or a salad. I got a hamburger and (Y/N) got herself a cheeseburger. She was silent until we sat down. She sat by Mabel and I sat next to her. I wanted to get to know her, like really know her. Not just like the basic, what's your favorite color. Mabel looked at her, "yay! You sat by us!" She yelled. "Yeah," (Y/N) replied and then ate her food. When she finished she looked around at us nervously. I gave her a glance of confusion.

Your p.o.v.

I finished before anyone else. Mabel had some sort of drink that she had brought with her. "What's that?" I asked. "Mabel Juice, want some?" She asked me. "Hmmm, maybe later, are you going to finish your cheeseburger?" I looked around the table, "hey, Dipper are you going to finish your food?" I asked him. Then in unison, both twins handed me their burgers. "Thanks," I said and then cut off the ends they bit and ate what was left of them. I ate silently after that. Mabel had introduced me to her friend Grenda however, and some boy named Kevin who sat at the end of our table, away from us. When the bell rang, I jumped, still needed to get used to it. Mabel laughed at me a bit and then I laughed with her. I think I was really going to like school.

>Time skip to the end of the day<

I walked home with two big books in my backpack, one for math, and another for science. I didn't really have homework, after all it was the first day of school. Suddenly Mabel and Dipper walked up to me. "Hey (Y/N), wait!" It was Mabel. I turned around, "yeah?" "Here, the top one is mine, the bottom is Dipper's." She said handing me a pair of phone numbers. "Oh, thanks." I smiled a bit, "well talk to you guys later," I said. "Bye!" Mabel screamed and walked away with Dipper. I waved back and then finally headed home.

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