Chapter 5: getting to know you

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Your p.o.v.

I sat next to Dipper in art as our teacher began explaining our first art project. He said the word paint, I love painting. Dipper glanced at me. "Guess what?" He said quietly. "What," I murmured laughing a little. He kicked my leg softly with his foot. I looked at him and saw him smiling lightly. "Hey," I whined kicking him back. We kicked each other back and fourth. Mr. Hammon turned around to face us. His glare was at Dipper. "Pines, are you alright?" He asked Dipper with a questioning glance. "N-no, I'm fine," he said and stopped kicking me. Some kids looked back to glance at us. When Mr. Hammon turned back around I laughed a bit under my breath. I noticed Dipper's cheeks turn a little pink. "Embarrassed?"

Dipper's p.o.v.

Great, she noticed my blush. "Yeah, that's-that's it.." I said quietly. I think Mabel's right. (Y/N) is really pretty.. And I think I could maybe have a chance with her if I tried. She smiled and then listened to Mr. Hammon.

At the end of class we walked out together, and then she left to catch up with Mabel. I sighed slightly and watched her leave.

Your p.o.v.

In Math I was sitting by Mabel and Candy when suddenly our teacher Ms. Cowell started blabbing on about our unit one pre-test or some crap like that. Mabel passed me a note that read:

So, did your parents say it's okay for us to come over?

I scribbled down a 'yeah' and handed it back to her. She looked back and smiled. I thought this was going to end up like it does in TV shows where the horrible teacher grabs the note and sends me to the principle's office. Fortunately, it didn't go that way.

By the time lunch came around I was starving. I walked into the lunch line and Mabel rushed up with Grenda. Candy was sitting at our table eating her lunch her mom had packed. "Yaaay! There's Chicken fingers today." Mabel half cheered. "Chicken. Chicken," Grenda chanted. I saw Dipper further up in line and looked at him. He didn't notice me because he was facing the other direction. Mabel leaned closer to me. "I see you're staring at my brother. What are you in love with him..?" She laughed a bit. My face got red. "Um, no!" I yelled. She looked at me, "okay, if you're so sure." She smirked and then spun around and chatted with Grenda.

When I sat down at the table Dipper had already began to eat his food. I then noticed a blonde strutting over to us with an entourage behind her. "Hello Pines Twins." She said leaning over the table. "Hello," Dipper said and then continued to eat his food. "Mabel, I still don't understand why you hang out with the people you do." The blonde sighed referring to Candy and Grenda. She glanced at me, "and you are?" She said. "Uh, I'm (Y/N).." I mumbled. "We're you forced to sit here," she questioned. "No," I replied. She glanced at me. "Oh." She said as she walked away, everyone following her. "Who in the flip was that?" I asked them. "Pacifica, long stories..if she talks to you, I'd just ignore her." Dipper told me and I replied with a kurt nod.

🐠Time skip to the end of the school day🐠

As I packed everything into my backpack I saw Dipper and Mabel walk up to me. Kids were rushing off to the bus. I stood up, put on my backpack and smiled at them. "Let's go," I said. I heard a locker slam as Mabel walked behind us. "Oh yeah, thanks for shutting my locker Mabel." I said to her as she walked up by us. "Sure," she smiled and walked next to Dipper.

Once we made it to my house I looked at the clock, my mom was home. "I'm home and I brought those twins I was talking about!" I screamed from the door. Both of them looked around my house from the front door. "Cool house." Mabel said as my mom walked out and saw us. She seemed a little weary that one of those twins was Dipper. She looked at them. "Hello," Dipper said calmly. "HI IM MABEL," Mabel screeched at my mom. "Hello," my mom said and then sat down on the couch. "Why don't you let them see your room (Y/N)?" My mom asked. "Okay," I replied as I took them upstairs. I could tell my mom was looking at Dipper, I hope he didn't notice.

In my room Dipper looked at me, "is there something wrong with me? Your mom was sorta me a look." He said nervously. Great, he noticed. "No, my mom's just a little.. I don't know I don't really have male friends. I played basketball once, but it was an all girls team, so I guess I've never really had a guy friend in my house before." I admitted. "O-oh.." He said as his cheeks turned red. I smiled and sat on my bed. Mabel was looking around my room, "I like your room," she said excited.

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