see ya latter

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So its been two weeks since me and nate had our little brother sister talk. The next day he took ashley down to the peer and proposed. When they got back both of our families were on the beach waiting for them to get back. It was an amazing night. We had a family cook out and ashley told us that they were goijg to have the wedding when nate came back again jn 6 months.

Right now we are all in the airport telling nate bye. He is about to go back to his base. He cant tell us were it is exactly but its somewhere in California and he said he might have to go to Iraq sk he might not be able to write a lot.

Ashley has seemed very distant the last few days. Like she has something on her mind but I camt twll if its just me or not.

Scotty amd I have been getting really close. Closer than we normally are. I love him ring back home. And im so glad I get to go to his home town.

"Flight 124A is ready to board." A lady said over the intercome.

When I heard the anocment my gut started to feel wired. Kinda like that night of my party... maybe I should tell him he shouldnt go... no I cant do that he loves doing this.

I take a deep breath and walk to him

"Im going to miss you nate!" I saod into his chest.

"Im gonna miss you to soph. But I will be back soon I promise!" He saod stoking my hair.

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

After everyone said their good byes it was Ashley turn. She walked him to the instance of the boarding gate and wrapped her arms around him. I saw her wishperkng something in his ear and nate stood up he looks like a deer in the headlights. I wonder what they are talking about...

They kept talking and ot looked like nate was getting sad. Ashley already had tears rolling down her cheek. Nate whipped her tears away with his thumb and kissed her. He looked down to her belly and smiled.

What?! Oh my! Is she pregnant?!

No she cant be...

I shook that thought off. Nate turned to us and smiled.

"See yall latter! "He said with one last wave and with that he boarded that plane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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