beach day

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when i walked through the door of my families beach house, I was bombarded with questions.

"so how did it go?"

"are y'all back together?

"is everything okay?"

I just stood in the middle of the door looking at my mom sister and dad trying not to let a tear fall.

I couldn't hold it back though.

I felt the tears coming and just shook my head.

"forget it. " I said. and ran up the stairs to my room.

how could I expect her to forgive me. I told her I loved her and she said she loved me. I promised I would be back but I didn't come back. how in the world could I expect her to forgive me now?

I sat down on my bed, and pulled out a note book with song lyrics, then pulled my guitar out from under my bed.

I started thinking about Sophie and her amazing blue eyes. they reminded me of the ocean and they were just so bright and full of life.

I grabbed a pen and my notebook flipping to a clean page.

I tilted it Carolina Eyes.


"Sophia wake up!" I heard my mom say.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

"hey honey, I need you to get dressed. were going out on the boat today." she said and left my room.

I got up off my bed and went to my bathroom.

I put in my contacts and turned on the shower.

after showering, I dryer off my body and wrapped the towel around me. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and walked back in to my room.

I decided on wearing my hot pink bikini, just because it makes me look real tan, then pulled on some cut off jean shorts and a peach button up shirt, and put ofy flip flops. I put on a little bit of eye liner and mascara on as well before going down stairs.

"ooo! sophie! ain't we looking sexy today!" I heard Ashley say.

I smiled and laughed. "hey ash!"

"no I mean it. that bathing suit makes you look really sexy!" she said.

"SOPHIA BABE IM HOME!!" I heard my best friend jazzmen yell.

"hey jazz!" Ashley said.

"Ashley!" jazzy squealed running upbto hug her.

"when did you get here?" jazz asked.

"yesterday!" she answered.

"yeah you know that hot boy you heard about moving in next door? yeah thats Scotty." I said.

"ohh... well he still hot... but he's not mine. he's someone else's. " jazz winked, and Ashley giggled.

"whatever." I said and walked to the kitchen.

"hey mama!" I said sitting at the bar.

"hey baby girl!" she said.

"goodmoring sun shine!" Mrs Judy said walking into the kitchen. "here eat up! we got a long day a head of us!" she continued and tossed a breakfast bar at me and sat a few more on the bar in front of me.

"ummm! chocolate chip chunck!" I said opening the wrapper and biting in to the bar.

"come on lady's! your chariot awaits?

me, ashley, and jazz ran out the door jumping in to the bed of my dads truck.

"mind of we join?" Nate asked.

"sure!" we all said.

him and Scotty jumped in the back and sat down in the bed while me, Ashley, and jazz sat on the tool box.

once we got the boat in the water and everyone loaded in we headed off to our little island we always go to.

"so Sophie, your 19th birthday is coming up pretty soon. what do you have in mind for it?" Mrs. Judy asked.

"I don't know... I was thinking about having a bunch of friends come out to the island with us one day and camp out there that night." I told her.

"that would be fun. what about July 4th!" mama asked.

"yeah we could shoot off fire works and I wouldn't have to miss it then" Nate added in.

"alright then! I guess that's what we will be doing for my birthday then!" I said smiling.

"what about food?!" jazz spoke up.

"we will figure that out." daddy said and Mr mike nodded.

"yay!" she smiled.

we road on the boat a few more miles and finally we were at the island.

we all piled off the boat. and sat out the chairs. once everything was finished being set up, i took off my shirt and let the sun hit my skin. 

"OMG SOPHIE!! You're baithing suit is so cute!!

I was wearing a mint green strapples bikiinie with lace on the top and bottom. 

"awh thank you ash!" I said smiling. 

I turned to put my shirt on the back of the chair and saw scotty staring at me, and staring at me hard. 

I felt my cheeks start to turn red, and I quickly turned back the other way.

"Ohhh! someones blushin'!" Ashley whispered.

i gave her that 'shut up!' look and she just laughed. 

soon it was time for luch and we had hot dogs. me ashley and Jazz walked around the island and played volleyball till time to leave. 

It was such a great day and i hope tomorrow will be even better. Scotty didnt try to talk to me, all though I wish he would Im glad he didnt because I really dont want to hear him say, 'Im sorry' Again... but its getting harder to stay away. To be honest I really just want to hug him so tight and just never let go....

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