Flash Back

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"I don't want you to leave Scotty." I said, pulling away from the hug looking him in the eyes.

I knew he didn't want to leave either. But he had to go back to school and so did I.

"I don't either Soph..." Scotty said.

He leaned down and kissed my lips, then turned to look out at the ocean waves crashing down on the the beach.

"I wish I could just stay here with you forever." he said turning back to me.

A tear slipped down my cheek.

Scotty placed his hand on my cheek and softly whipped it off with his thumb.

"look after this school year, I'm coming back for the summer again. I wanna be with you and I know its gonna be hard for the both of us, but I know we can do it." he paused for a min, I could tell he was going to say something else was interrupted by his mom.

"Scotty! Sophie! dinners ready!" she yelled from the porch.

Scotty kissed me my lips lightly and we headed up to the house his parents rented for the summer.


The next morning I woke up earlier than anyone else. The sun wasn't up yet and I could go back to sleep, so I decided to go down to the beach for a bit.

I was standing at the edge of the ocean letting the waves wash over my feet, when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.

My body stiffened and I wanted to yell but couldn't. I was to scared, and I even forgot how to breath.

"Good morning princess." The voice belonging to the arms that were wrapped around me whispered in my ear, and then I knew it was Scotty.

My body instantly loosened up and I could breath again.

"Did I scare you?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, "Just a little. But its okay."

He wrapped his arms around me tighter and put his chin on my shoulder.

The sun was starting to rise and I knew it had to be getting close to the time Scotty had to leave.

"I have to leave at 12 this afternoon." he said, as if reading my mind.

I turned around in his arms and looked up at him.

he smiled down at me and softly kissed the top of my head.

"wanna walk?" I asked him.

He smiled down at me again and nodded while taking my hand.

we walked for a while down the beach, before stopping to sit for a little bit.

we sat on the sand looking out at the ocean.

"you know, I'm never gonna forget this summer." he said looking out at the waves.

"me either... this has been the best summer of my life." I agreed.

a few hours latter after walking and talking and kissing we headed back to the house.

when we got to his house his mom had everything packed in to his dads truck and ready to go.

i hugged his mom dad and sister while managing not to cry.

"well I guess this is it..." he said, wrapping his arms around me.

we pulled apart and he reached in to his pocket, pulling out a small purple box.

"Sophie I know that we haven't known each other long. But I have falling for you and I've fallen hard." he opened the box and I gasped.

It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It had 2 hot pink stones with an infinity sign wrapped around them.

Scotty pulled it out of the box and it so I could see the inside of the ring.

it said: "IloveyouPrincess -ScottyC. McCreery"

"Scotty..." I breathed, smiling at the nickname he had given me.

"I know I just met you a few months ago Sophie, but when I'm with you, I feel things I've never felt before."

I looked up at him with a small smile as tears ran down my face.

he reached down for my right hand and placed the ring on my ring finger.

"I love you Sophia Emily Preston." he said looking me in the eye.

a smile broke my lips as another tear tear ran down my face.

"I love you to Scotty Cooke McCreery."

he smiled and his lips met mine hard. we Stayed there not moving a muscle for what seemed like forever.

When Scotty pulled away, I throw my arms around his neck squeezing him as tight as I could, burying my face in his neck and he did the same around my waist.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you to," I managed to choke out with out crying even harder.

Scotty gave me one last kiss before getting in the car and closing his door.

I stepped back on to the sidewalk and waved as they drove away.

When they were out of sight, I began walking back to my house.

Which wasn't far at all considering it was right beside my house. However, I didn't make it every far before the water works arrived.

I took one step and fell to my knees, sobbing into my hands...

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