chapter 9

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I woke up to a low humming.

"I love you this big... eyes have never seen this big.... no ones ever dreamed this big..."

I rolled over and opened my eyes to see the one and only scotty mccreery singing his first single and my favourite song to me.

"Good morning beautiful." He said.

"Good morning." I said sitting up and looking at my alarm clock.

It read 8:10 am.

The smile on my face disappeared and I turned to loom at scotty who had this innocent look on his face but his smile told me he knew what he had done.

"Im going back to bed!" I said flopping down and pulling the covers over my face.

I heard foot stepped walk out and then back in all of a sudden the covers were ripped off of me and I was wet from head to toe.

I shot up screaming trying to find the suspect who had done this to me when I saw scotty run out of my room and down the stairs.

"SCOTTY!!!" I yelled running after him.

I ran down stairs and found mama daddy Mrs Judy and Mr. Mike and Ashley and nate all smiling and laughing at me.

"Where is he!?" I growled.

They all pointed out on the deck and that's when I saw him going down the stairs.

I ran out the door and rushed down the stairs and out to the beach but scotty was no where to be found.

I looked everywhere in the beach glass stuff behind the dooms. Every where he was no where to be found.

I finally gave up and started to head back in side when two strong arms wrapped around me. My first instinct was to hit them and that's just what in did I elbowed my attacker in the ribs and he grunted I spun around to see scotty on his knees gasping for air.

"Scotty!" I said kneeling down.

"Im so sorry!" I said kissing his temple.

He smiled. "Its alright."

I helped him up and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You just knocked the breath out of me." He laughed still holding his side.

When we got back up to the house everyone was smiling and laughing.

"So scotty I think you just got beat up by a girl son." Mr. Mike said patting scotty on the shoulder.

Scotty shrugged. "She's stronger than she looks." He smiled.

I laughed and held up my arms showing off my small but strong muscles.

Everyone laughed at me.

"Well kids I think us adults are gonna go out shopping to day. Whatbdobyou guys have planed. " mama asked.

"Well jazz is out of town with her grandma. So I guess ill be hanging around here unless this goon wants to do something." I said pointing at scotty.

"I think me and nate will go get a bite to eat latter and see a movie." Ashley said.

Nate smiled down at her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Wow! When did that happen?

Alright well y'all be careful y'all hear!" Mrs mike said.

We all gave a yes sir and then they left.

Nate and Ashley left soon after and it was all me and scotty.

"So what ya wanna do today?" Scotty asked sitting down on the couch.

I though for a moment then said "how bout some mini golf?"

Scotty smiled and nodded. "Sounds good to me! But dont expect me to take it easy on you!" He added a wink.

"Push! Im gonna wipe the floor with you mccreery!" I said getting up.

Okay to be honest I cant play golf at all not even mini golf.. but he dont need to know that! ;)

"We will see." He said smiling as I ran up stairs to take a showrr and get dressed.

After showering I pulled on some cut off blue jean shorts and a white sea food festival long sleeve shirt and threw my hair in a bun. I then turned on my music and put some eye liner and mascara on. As I was finishing up my mascara I heard scotty coming up behind me.

"You dont need that mess soph! Your beautiful with out it. "  he siad leaning agents the door frame.

I turned and smiled "thanks but we both know your get saying that to get on my good side." I said with a wink.

Scotty laughed and put his hands on my hips and pulled me to him. He kissed my lips slowly and I smiled into the kiss. I pulled away before we both got carried away.

"And besides, I like wearing it sometimes. So your gonna have to deal with it. " I smiled poking scottys chest.

He smiled and sat on my bed amd waited for me to finish. When I was done I slipped on my flip flops and we both headed down stairs and to his truck.

Well here goes nothing! maybe I won't make a fool out of myself to bad.. and who knows maybe I might even win!;)

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