letting things out ; 7

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Cara :

Matt, Isaac, and I were on one team while Dylan, Allison, and Maya were in one also. They were winning by a couple but it was alright Matt and I were just battling against each other. We all had our laughs when we didn't get any pins down. Allison's team came in first making us the losers.

"that was fun" Maya smiled as we walked out with our original shoes.

"We should do that more" Allison smiled "yea we should" Dylan agreed. "well mat -" "aw man already alright let's go" Matt interrupted me by pulling my arm.

We got to the motorcycle and got on "what was that all about?" I asked "nothing just wanna kick your ass already" he smirked. "yea okay like you're actually gonna kick my ass. I've beaten everyone I played" I smiled bragging a little.

"okay" he said extending the 'a' a bit longer which told me that was sarcasm.


Matt and I arrived at the place and got ready, the chest vest would vibrate whenever you had gotten shot in a certain area. A couple of people were playing also so it wasn't just me and matt alone. A bell rang and they all ran around, I hid behind something and waited for matt to show so I can shoot him.

He turned around and I ducked my head down, I saw him looking around and I shot his chest vest making it vibrate. He looked down and saw me, I got up and ran "I see you cara" he said and I felt my vest vibrate, he shot me.

The place was hard to see since everything was in a black light. The place had a lot of neon colors. Matt and this kid were shooting and I joined him, we all enjoyed lazier tagging. Things would pop up for extra points and I usually got most of them, matt and I finally went in a room where it was just us. Music played in the background but we were able to heard each other speak.

We shot back and forth but the time was almost up. I waited for the last moment, Matt was way behind me so I let him have it. But when the clock hit one second I shot and hit him. The alarm rang telling us it was over, Matt collapsed on the floor and laid there pretending to be dead. "ha I won!" I rubbed it in his face, he just stayed there with his hand over the vest.

"oh no matt" I said pretending I was worried he coughed and I had his head on my lap.


"yes matt"

"I've been shot. I don't think I'll make it" he said and began coughing.

"oh no matt please don't die on me" I begged and held in my laughter. "Cara just remember; I don't regret shoving the cupcake up your nose" he said.

I ignored that and pouted "Matt don't leave me" I shook my head and he closed his eyes. "Matt?" I said and he stopped moving pretending he was actually dead.

"okay well I guess that motorcycle is mine" I shrugged and walking away. I turned back and he laid there "and possibly that mustang" I smirked. He flipped me off and then still laid there "Matt get up" I demanded and he stayed quiet.

"I'm not kidding" I groaned and he just laid there "fine we're never going lazier tagging because you're not listening" I said and walked away "no wait Cara I'm alive God sent me back" he said and followed me.

We saw the score and I won by a ton "whatever that's barely anything" he scoffed. The place had a couple of games and they had a pizzeria. We ate there and played a couple of games. "hey what about a photo booth picture?" matt asked and I shrugged.

We walked in and he payed. "please press the design you would like" the booth spoke. He picked a football design "I don't like that one" I shook my head. "I'll pay for another one" he shrugged.

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