where did I go wrong? ; 30

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"Never heard you say hey babe how are your parents? Hey babe how is your family? Or maybe hey babe you okay I'm sorry about your parents fucking splitting up" he said.

"Maybe I would ask if you would open up?" I glared.

"Never had a chance, since you like arguing and talking about you" he said then hung up.


I laid in bed and stared at my ceiling. The sound of my clock ticking, the sound of the traffic outside. The house has been quiet for the past hour, its barely 7 o'clock in the afternoon. I felt like getting up to go get a quick snack before getting ready for tomorrow, but I grew lazy so I stayed on the bed. I slowly shut my eyes thinking of old memories, those were the best.

My hands were behind my head and the bottom half of my legs were hanging from the end of the bed. I focused on the sound of my breathing, in and out of my nose. Every feeling in my body I focused on, every movement. The sound of the clock, the traffic slowly drifted away. "Matthew" my mom called from downstairs, all my attention went to her.

The sound of the clock, the cars driving up and down the street all came back. My eyes opened, my body jumped up and stretched for a bit before walking. Once I reached downstairs I saw cara at the front door waiting for me to come and greet her. I smiled and walked over, "hey" I said and gave her a hug.

My mom walked back into the kitchen, "lets go to my room?" I asked and she nodded, "yea".

I walked up first she followed behind me, when we entered the room I sat at my desk while she sat on my bed. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see how you're doing, I missed you" she said.

"Missed me or missed arguing?" I said. "So now you wanna argue" she mumbled.

"What's so good about arguing cara? You think its health in a relationship or something? Its not, stop acting like a fucking child and grow up." I groaned, I was clearly annoyed with her comment.

"Arguing shows that you actually care, about us, willing to argue and fix whatever we need to fix. Instead you're ignoring it, not caring, like you don't care about us anymore" she said.

"Well shit cara, you're putting all of this on me." I raised my voice.

"I wouldn't have to if you would just lighten the fuck up!" she raised hers louder than mine.

"For what! My dad if fucking gone for the love of godsakes, I knocked out not to fucking long ago. Give me a fucking break." I yelled.

I looked at her dead in the eye, her eyes showed anger and I was full of it. "Cara, go home." I said, "so what now you're kicking me out?" she asked.

"Go home cara" I said and turned around, she grabbed my arm and forced me to look at her. "If you're done just tell me".

I took her hands off of me and looked in the eyes once again, her eyes weren't filled with anger anymore. Her eyes drooped, she hesitated to ask again but I beat her to it. "I can't be with you anymore" I said.

The words slipped out of my mouth, my body felt numb, there was a difficulty with my chest breathing the same as before. Her eyes filled with tears, she didn't say a word. I didn't give her time to sync in, "I want you gone by the time I get out of the shower" I said and walked towards my drawers to grab my things.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. I stared at my reflection, the dark circles under my eyes, the discoloration of my face, I was a mess. Everything is a mess.

BAD TEENAGERS✧ M.ESPINOSAWhere stories live. Discover now