Chapter 3: love birds -W-

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((Ok after reading a few good stories I decide that sonic will be our adorable little ukesy X3 it suits him and..... oh yea -W- I will be introducing my sonic oc... well my main anyway XD on with the chap))

It had been 2 weeks since sonic had found shadow and he had already explained to tails the day after what had happened. Of course shadow still hadn't woken up quite yet even though his injuries had outstandingly already healed. I guess that's another thing sonic could say he admired about the hedgehog. Anyways sonic was just home eating his favorite snack chilli dogs (of course e3e). Tails had left to do something with cream he believed. But he heard a small noise from the basement where shadow had been sleeping soundly. But before he could go check there was a loud knock on the door. Sonic had opened the door to reveal a white wolf with a brownish hazel colored bang with sapphire eyes who wore a black hoodie that had pieces of armor attached to spacific parts but the arms not attatched to it but the arms of the jacket being worn from the elbow to a little above the hands and the long pants that had 2 different swords at each side and matched the jacket but lightly covered the black and white boots she wore. "Yo" She said in her usual annoyed yet happy tone. "Kurai what are you doing here?" Kurai had came by the day before and forgot the glasses/goggles she wore lightly above her hair. "I sorta forgot my glasses in the basement". She said scratching behind her ears that had blue at the tips sorta. Sonic thought about it "I actually was about to go check the basement so-" "Wait did something happen with shadow down stairs?" She asked curious. "I hope not i heard something down stairs" "oh" She said following him to the door. He quickly ran down stairs with kurai walking down behind him not really in a hurry. When Sonic made it down stairs he saw a sight he didn't think he would see in a while. It was shadow awake and stumbling across the room. Sure he had healed but not completely and his legs still would be wobbly of course after not being used for a long time. The young wolf looked at the blue hedgehogs shocked features and his eyes that showed a sort of longing for the ebony hedgehog that didn't turn around to look at them but knew both of them where there. Kurai smirked 'awwwww he loves him -W-'. Shadow had put his gloved hand on the bed they had switched the table with and tried his best to get to his feet but only failed falling back down. Sonic quickly made his way to the ebonies side helping him up but getting a small growl from him "I don't need your help faker" He said lowly. "Yea right faker" Sonic retorted shooting his famous grin. He lightly set the hedgehog back on the bed "nice to see you haven't changed shads" Sonic chuckled as the ebony rolled his eyes "I would say the same but you know". Kurai took this as a chance to quickly walk to the table she left her glasses on and picked them up placing them on her head. "Im kurai by the way" she said turning to look at shadow and sonic but only got a grunt from shadow. She twitched a little and walked up to him then extended her hand to him "Kurai.. Kurai Shadows" She said expecting him to shake her hand at least but didn't. So she took her hand back and walked to the stairs that lead back up to the door. "Shadow..." She heard him mumble lightly. She turned back around "nice to meet you shadow" She smiled a little and turned back going up a few steps but stopped "By the way don't stay down here to long love birds" She grinned and went upstairs shutting the door and walking out the other door leaving the house. Sonic blushed a little from the wolfs comment but shook his head turning around so shadow couldn't see the blush but what sonic didn't know was shadow also was blushing lightly and was relieved the other didn't see.

((Woooop wooooop done X3 i love this storyyyy. Anyways i don't own sonic,shadow,tails, and etc but i do own kurai soooo ye XD and I'll start on the other chapter in a little while cause this one sucked i sowwy ;^;))

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