chapter 7: love you...

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.(( e^e danananananana finally adorable sonadow T^T and it only took 7 chapters but it was suppose to be 10. Eeeeeh I'll have something else planned for 10 then -W- huehuehue))

Sonic shut the door lightly behind him not trying to disturb the others and looked at the other hedgehog ".....". Shadow turned around to face the other "oh its you...." he said with his usual annoyed expression. Sonic twitched a little '-__- fffffff' "ahem yea.... can we talk for a minute?" "What about...?". Sonic slowly approched him stopping a little bit before him. "Errrr well..." sonic started to blush and play with his fingers. Shadow already knew what it was about he just wanted to see how this was going to go. "Hurry up faker" Shadow said rolling his eyes. Sonic only continued to diddle his thumbs and fingers "well.... umm about what almost happened before-" "let me guess you don't want your 'girlfriend' knowing about what had almost happened" Shadow hissed adding a bit of poison to the word 'girlfriend'. Before sonic could respond he thought about something 'wait was shadow jealous?..... -W-' he started to grin. Shadow raised a eye brow "why are you grinning like a idiot faker". Sonic kept his grin but shrugged "its nothing just your right""eh?" "You heard me... your right". Shadow blinked once 'is he serious'. Sonic turned around heading to the door only to have his arm grabbed. "......". Shadow pulled him back quickly and grabbed his other arm putting them both above his head pinning him against the wall. "... I don't care.." Sonics ears twitched "what?". Shadow repeated himself "I don't care... because I-..." Shadow had a faint blush on his face. Sonic couldn't help but blush too "I-... l-" before he could continue sonic leaned forward and kissed the other on the lips. Shadows eyes widened it took him less than a second to respond back. Shadow kissed back letting go of the hedgehogs arms. Then they both pulled back blushes on both there faces. Shadow looked away and cleared his throat "ahem like i was going to say...-" Sonic cut him off again "you don't care cause you love me too...." sonic said looking down at his feet his blush getting darker. Shadow looked back at him his blush faded 'love...'. Shadow only nodded and gave him a suprise hug. Sonic smiled and dug his head in the others neck . They had stayed like that for what felt like forever until the door opened "hay guys-....". Tails had opened the door at the wrong time for the second time -_-'. Sonic quickly broke away from shadow his blush darkening while he turned to face tails "i-its not what you thinks!!" He said flailing his arms quickly. Shadow only smirked mischievously then wrapped his arms around sonics waist putting his head on sonics shoulder. "You shouldn't lie sonniku~" shadow purred loud enough for both to hear. Sonics jaw dropped as his blush was the same color as the others streaks "W-W-WHAT??!!!". Sonic could hear tails giggling as he was about to shut the door "W-WAIT A SEC" sonic said about to reach out to grab tails only to be stuck in shadows grip. By the time the door shut sonic was still struggling to get loose. His innocent little brother had seen him in the worst situation of his life. Sonics head dropped "I really hate you" he said to the ebony. Shadow chuckled a little and lifted his head up. "Aww don't hate me sonikku ;3;" He said kissing the hedgehog on the cheek. Sonic sighed but smiled a little it was nice to see shadow show other emotions rather than anger and annoyance. "Your such an idiot sometimes" Sonic said to the first time ever. Shadow raised an eyebrow "coming from you... wow" he mumbled. "What was that?" Sonic growled. "Nothing love :3" shadow said getting a bit nervous. Sonic smiled a little then continued blushing remembering that at some point right before shadow came back he admitted he liked him but not loved him..... right? I mean sure when he was around his heart would race and when he would mess with him the way he always does it would lead him to blushing out of his mind. He started to twiddle his thumbs again thinking more about the subject not noticing that shadow had been calling his name a few times. Shadow let go of the blue hedgehog and moved so he was in front of the hedgehog. He started to shake his shoulders a few time after the third shook sonic blinked and looked at the ebony in the eyes. "You ok?" He asked. Sonic nodded and reached his arms out to the shadow then hugged him. '... I do love him..' he thought happily. Shadow kissed sonic on the forehead smiling. Everything was starting to go good for the new love birds.

((Booooom yaay done I don't own sonic,shadow,or tails and i will add another part later today maybe 2))

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