_chapter 2_

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I arrived to the patio/local garden in like 5 minutes. My house is close to everything. Another fact I'll miss: always being able of going anywhere being independent, even when I don't have a car. I saw them coming to me.

"Whats going on? You look afraid. Did you see a ghost or something?"

"We got 1D concert tickets! They're coming to London! It's the perfect 'leaving party' for you!"

"You don't have to thank us babe." Carly said entertained eating an ice cream.

"Well I wasn't going to. I don't like My Direction."

"One Direction!" Hannah said with her mouth open, along with the two other tall girls standing in front of me. Probably so surprised as her. I couldn't handle but laugh a little.

"Guys I'm not going" I past through them "It's a nice gesture, but it's just not for me. I'm sorry lads."

"Well, you'll have to go anyways because we already bought the tickets... and there are no returns" Jo sat next to me. Jo is definitly my best friend and I can't believe she just bought my ticket, knowing that I don't like One Direction without permission or asking. that little bitch.

"I can't believe! You just spent money for nothing you know"'

"No we all spent money for YOU to have fun. You say you don't like them. That doesn't mean you can'thave fun." Damn it, she's always so convincent.

"Yap, and we'll invite everyone from school and your dance classes.."

"You are not inviting everyone from our school." I don't wanna see Amber or neither Penelope hanging around all the boys like lost puppies during a cerimony or a concert that is for me. Just for you to know why I dislike these girls so much: they are the kind of girls who walks next to you and pushes you off the front of the line in the canteine just to get what you were about to. that happened to me. that little chocolate ice cream was definitly flirting with me, not with the no-bubbles-no-bubbles-no-bubbles Amber and not with the i'm-fabulous-because-i-once-touched-on-Jlo's-hair Penelope.

"Not Penelope and Amber." Jo said crossing my mind. "What about Josh? I know he would like to dance with you to the sound of Little Things.."

"Okay I don't even know that song but thanks girls, thanks for the preocupation in my romantic life."

"You're welcome." Hannah said, crossing her legs. "You are seriously in need of a boy."

"Says the girl who can't choose what boy she'll dance all night ." I grumbled. "When is this concert anyway?" I sighed. If I really.. REALLY had to go to this concert, at least I wanted to look decent.

"Tomorrow night. Show up early. We all know you're not the best at schedules Al."

"And what am I supposed to wear?"

"Well nothing like would be great." Hannah assured me, looking at my Mickey sweater and my black leggins. "I'll come to your house and try to turn your visual a little bit more feminine. I'm sure we can make something out, you're beautiful. Even with no makeup on wich is hard" she took a sip of her coffe. We all laughed.

We all love Hannah. Her loud personality and stupid comments, always posing and always looking good even if she's just about to fall from a bike to a pool full of dirt. That happened. And you don't wanna know how crazy she went just by hearing her shirt couldn't be cleaned. It was close to an Apocalipse.

"I'm hungry. And it's getting dark. Let's go to Fiona's? I'm reaaally on a mood for pasta"

Fiona's is this amazyng and cosy place who serves the most beautiful dishes I've ever tasted: pizzas, salads, pastas... everything Italian.

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