_chapter 12_

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I sat on the passenger's seat. He had a black Range Rover I think (maybe it wasn't but I'm not keen on cars), probably to be more discreet.

"I'm going to be so sick." I said as I closed the door.

"I know. Being around me turns many people sick. Some even pass out." Louis said, turning the ignition on.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not that Mr. cocky. I always get sick when I have wet hair and I go out to the street. It's climate changes."

"I'll turn the heater on." He assured me, driving off from the parking lot.

This was the first night I met someone's idol and it didn't feel that weird. I'm hanging out with these people and these are billions of fans' idols. I am in Louis Tomlinson's car and there are fans crying outhere, in their bed, because they just saw them. The sight of these four boys provoques them tears. Okay, it was a bit weird but not when I was around Louis.

"what are you thinking about?" Louis asked.

"how this night went. Never thought I would meet someone else's idol and never thought I'd be sleeping in someone else's idols' house.

"I know. It's crazy. You want a tip? Don't think about it much. Sometimes you do have to think about it, to come down to earth, but most of times, just enjoy it and have fun." He spoke, while looking down the road.

I turned the radio on. I was in the mood for a sing-a-long car ride.

"Lots of confidence we have huh? You already turn my radio on, cross legs and dirty the seat..." He tried to put my legs down with one arm, but I easily removed it once he was driving.

"shut up and drive safe!" I giggled. "I want to hear some of your stuff, do you have any of it here?" I asked, already looking in the compartments.

He was about to talk but I opened my mouth first "Found it!"

I put on the Up All Night CD, to remember the good old times, like Louis said.

We sang along during all the journey. I loved his voice. Angelical, calm, might be the best voice to fall asleep with. Better than my mum's.

I liked the album however it was a bit too childish for me. The voices were too different from what they sound in real life. Way too different.

We parked in his house. It was modern and big, just how I imagined.

"just for you to know, you sing better in real life than in there." I said, while getting out of the car.

"it was our first album, we didn't write much to be honest and our voices were a bit changed too." He closed his door and started to walk towards the froont door of his house. While he opened it I recognized a lot of tattoos down his body.

"I can see you like tattoos. A lot!"

"I like them. You don't?"

"Not a bit. I mean they look ho- fine on you but for me, no thanks."

"would you do one?"

"maybe." I considered it but started to shake my head immediately. "If I was drunk."

He laughed and shook his head.

He turned the lights on for me to gasp. It was gorgeus. So modern, yet so dirty. I couldn't believe it. A celebrity who has a dirty house? I thought it was impossible until that moment! His housekeeper had to be blind for not noticing what was going on in there. There were boxers on the floor, towels spradded on the two grey sofas, there were popcorns packs on the TV... Did he have parties everyday?

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