_chapter 11_

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I gasped at first. We were in the pool. We were in the actual stadium's pool, at the middle of the night, alone. I chuckled and my hands imidietly covered my face. When I finally looked to my right side, my eyes grew bigger. Louis was starting to take his skinny jeans off. I couldn't help but stare. It was not right, but he is so hot, so beautiful. His chest and stomach were so toned and shiny from the moonlight and I could see some furr under his armholes. Also, his defined arms were making me crazy. Thank you moonlight.

"having a nice time staring?" his question interrupted my... admired mind. I immediatly looked away, back to the gigantic pool in front of us.

"I was not staring. And what are you doing?"

"taking my clothes off. I thought you understood that, while staring at me."

"I was not staring! jeez!" I laughed a bit. Even when I'm annoyed with him, I can't help but laugh.

"why are you not taking yours off?" he asked, moving a strain of hair to the side of his face and placing his hands on his hips. Oh his hips.

"uhm... well, because-because" I was struggling. And being the joker Louis is, he was about to laugh. I could see that by the way he bit his lower lip. "because I'm not taking my cothes off. Do you really think I'm getting in that pool?"

He nodded "yap."

"Well, only in your dreams. I'm not getting in that pool." I crossed my arms, trying to focus my eyes only on his face. It was super hard tho. This boy was going to kill me.

"Oh common Alice, it's warm and no one is here. Well, except us." He started to walk around the pool, diving his feet under water.

I don't know what got into my head but I started to unbutton my dark blue skinny jeans. I think I was getting crazy, it was probably his fault.

"oh you're not weak after all!" he shouted.

"stop staring please?" I begged, throwing my jeans to him, trying to make him leave his eyes off of my body. There was nothing good about it, so there was no point for him to stare.

He looked away, whistling.

My blouse fell to the floor. I felt so vulnerable without any clothes on. I didn't like my body at all. It was gross, fat taking over it. And there I was, in front of a celebrity like Louis Tomlinson. He would probably dirty the pool with vomit after he saw me.

"Louis you can look now, but I warn you: I don't want to kill you, so you better put something covering your eyes or-" I noticed he was watching my body, from my head to my toes, so my voice trailed off. I crossed my arm in front of my stomach, who has been starving since it had an omelete at lunch.

"You're so-"

"You don't have to say it. I know what I am." I cut him off, providing myself from humilliation.

"Great" he said "at least you're aware you're the skinniest girl in this world. Alice, you're fucking beautiful."

I looked up at him. I expected him being all chuckles and laughs, but no, he was still looking down at my body, with the same amazed expression. Me?!?!? beautiful?!?! I laughed and he got closer. And closer. And closer.

"You don't have to be ashamed of your body. Or me. Your body is so beautiful. And I'm used to see girl's bodies."

I smiled, not a single conviction on it. Of course he sees other girls' bodies, he has a different girl sleeping in his fucking bed every night!

"yeah, I figure..."

"not like that!" he laughed. "I mean, I have 5 woman back in my hometown, I grew up watching girls in biquinis and trying on underwear. You got it all wrong!"

constantly moving #Wattys2015Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang