_chapter 9_

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Me and Louis spent almost an hour waiting to see any of the girls. Well, I spent almost an hour waiting to see one of the girls. He spent almost an hour making me laugh and staring at me. I don't know why.

"The doors are closing Alice. no one is inside." He warned me, while I checked every fucking camera, even the stadiums' inside ones.

I turned the wheeling chair to face him. "what do I do now? I didn't find them! they must be super worried about me and I have no way to get home."

"Where do you live?"


"I'll take you there then." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"what? No! you don't have to do it. You have so much to do still. And it's already 1AM. I'm just getting in your way, I'm sorry."

He stood up and walked a bit closer to me, leaning on one of the desks. "I like you getting in my way. Okay?"

I blushed but ended smiling at him.

"Yeah yeah, that's very beautiful but I'm talking serious Louis."

"I was talking serious Alice." Wow. I made him talk serious for the first time in his life probably. This guy was always joking and playing around. "The other option is you wait for me, then we'll sleep in my house, you charge your phone and in the morning, I'll take you to Palmillage."

Did he just offered for me to sleep in his house? Sleeping in the same house as an international superstar?

Yes he did.

"I can't accept that. That's too much and you probably have your tomorrow ocuppied."

"Actually I don't. This was the last show of the tour. I'm spending the whole summer here in England now. ya know, family, friends... It's good to come back home sometimes, as far as I love travelling."

I don't know why I was thinking about it, but my mind didn't stop imagining me and Louis, both hand in hand, walking along one of the amazing Bahamas' beachs and Louis lifting me and running into the waves' direction.

What the fuck?

"Alice? Did you heard me?"

"Yeah yeah."


"I don't know Louis, it's too much work for you."

"I'm sure you won't give me any work."

He was right. I'm not like those girls who are always begging food or more pillows or feet supports on a sleepover. I just wanted to sleep, I felt so tired. And Louis probably did too.

I faked I was thinking about it, but I had decided the moment he proposed it.


"YES!" he screamed. I couldn't bother to laugh at his excitement.

"Now let's just go back yeah? We don't want to leave more people worried about each one of us." He smiled and put his hand in my back, leading me to the door.

Now we could walk normally through the main corridors. Once we got back to the living room, everyone stared at us.

I didn't know what to do. In hope Louis would say something, I touched on his arm, hoping he'd get it.

"Uhmm we just went to find out Alice's friends, but we didn't." We smiled at the same time, wich caused them to chuckle and get back to what they were doing.

"Why did I have to talk???" he beamed.

"Because... because you're the man. And these people know you. Not me."

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