_chapter 6_

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"What the hell was that? Where was your father going with those bags?" Hannah asked, while pushing me towards the bed.

Carly closed the door and followed us along with Jo. I sat on the bed with Hannah, Jo and Carly on the white couch-next *almost glued *-to-the-window. I don't know its name really, I'll google it later.

"My father is getting out of the house and moving to NY. But this time is for good. We're not going to live with him anymore."


"My mum discovered he was cheating on her."

"What?" Carly asked, almost as a whisper. "You're joking."

"I wish. I was the one who found out. He got a text from his..." I hesitated. Just the word made me feel disgusted, thinking about someone cheating on his wife with a lover. "Lover."

"But-but where did they meet? How long have they been with each other?"

"I don't know." I said sincerely. "I wish I could answer but I don't know. Dad didn't say nothing, well my mother didn't give him a chance to. She's so sad, she cried and cried for a long time in her bedroom."

"With a reason." Jo pointed.

"Wow! Out of all people I would never imagine your father having an affair." Hannah said, getting a bit distracted with my shoes who were laying on the floor.

My bedroom was a mess. My brother should have let me put the rest of my clothes in the wardrobe.

"You're room is kind of a mess." She stated the obvious, standing up and taking her shoes off. "well it's not worth it because we're untiding your room anyways! Let's get dressed!"

Here we go...

"Guys, now that I'm not moving anymore, its not that important me going to the concert and the after party tonight . There's no reason to do it."

"Alice we already bought the tickets and invited everyone. You're not running from this one." Carly destroyed any little piece of hope I had of them saying no.

"We have to be there maximum at 6:30PM because the doors will open at 7PM, so we have to get out of here at 5:30PM because of traffic, and its 3PM. We have to hurry up." Carly said, running to the dresser. "We have to put you beautiful Ali." She screamed.

"oh thanks a lot." I said, with a fake happy expression.

After an hour and a half, we were ready to go. I have to say, these girls have a really good taste for fashion. I was casual, but not too casual. Girly, but not too girly. Tumblr. Well, too Tumblr.

Carly's mum took us there. The ride was actually funny. Carly had six younger siblings that were the cutest little humans alive, althought Carly didn't agree that much.


She kind of exploded there.

We arrived at London at 6PM  but the traffic to the stadium was so big we stayed inside the car half an hour! It was insane to see how many fans were inside the cars holding signs, screaming, aplying ridiculous amount of paint in their faces. As I watched them through the window, it was absolutely ridiculous in my mind. These boys would never look at them, why the hell were they getting so pretty for them? These girls must think they will get an oppurtunity dating one of the guys. Being young and naïve, I kind of missed it.

I was never a girl who would fall in love with some random boyband and I'll never be. I just didn't get it why fangirls freacked out so much over some random boys. It seemed like they never saw any.

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