_chapter 17_

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"Am stopped in Palmillage's entrance. Tell me where you are and I'll pick you up ! Excited bout tonight Ali !"

my eyes shutted. Fuck. I had forgotten to tell Niall I wasn't planning on going with him that night. I intended to talk to him but with Louis picking me up and my mum meeting him.. It completely passed me by. Poor Niall. He was waiting for me a few metres away and I was sat, on the beach, with his best mate, eating fruit and hearing the waves crash.

"you should call him." Louis said as he opened an M&M's pack.

I looked right at him, after I jumped a bit. I am a very frigthy person.

"Call him. And if you want to go, I understand Alice."

He didn't sound judgemental. Instead, he was acting understanding and cool about it.

"Thank you." I whispered and left a kiss on his cheek, before standing up and walking towards the sea.

I dialed his number. It took one ring for him to answer. "Alice?"


"Did ya see my text?"

"Yap. I saw it. I'm sorry Niall, I..." I looked at Louis from my shoulder. He was digging into the empty pack of M&M's, possibly looking for more. He smiled, a bit of hope appeared in his eyes. I couldn't leave him. Not with him looking at me like that. "it's just not a good time for me to go out tonight."

"But is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. I just forgot and didn't tell you early. I am with a friend right now... I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. I understand. you don't want to hang out with a person you just met yesterday. It's awkward, I realize that now."

He's smart.

"yeah, it's a bit awkward." I giggled to try and lighten up the mood a bit, but he wasn't in a mood to joke around. "Uhmm... hey what about meeting in London tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Tomorrow... yeah, tomorrow won't be possible."

"oh. Okay, we can meet another day then. Just call me when you're free."

"I'll be available in September then."

"why so long?" I had to ask.

"I'm flying to Ireland tomorrow. I'm gonna spend Summer there."

Ouch! So I just had refused an offer to go out with Niall and he was travelling the next day to his country to probably spend the rest of the summer with his local friends and his family. I couldn't be more bitchy could I?

"I'm so sorry Niall! If only I knew-"

"you'd do the same and not leave that friend alone. I know it's Louis. He just updated his Twitter." He cut me off.

I imagined Niall going through his Twitter and gnawing his nails.

I looked back at Louis, who was going through his phone. I just wanted to tell him to stop tweeting but then I'd be giving more reasons to Niall to be mad. Listenning to me and Louis talking wouldn't be what he wanted to hear for sure.

"uhm... sorry about that."

"Stop saying sorry. It's not your fault being amazyng and making us both like you."

I got the impression he didn't want to say it outloud so I didn't question him about it. "just let me know if you change your mind alright?"

"I will."

He said goodnight and hung up.

I walked towards Louis, not once that sentence leaving my head. making us both like you, making us both like you, making us both like you. But the thought of Louis spreading to the world where we were and who he was with was getting into my mind faster.

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