_chapter 15_

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"how was lunch with Niall?"

I was waiting to ask him since we got out of the clinical centre. My brother was perfectly fine but he still forced us to go to the candy shop.

"alright. We went to Nando's and we got a lot of food, I think I gained a few pounds from lunch." He confessed, only trying me to say he's sexy. He shouldn't have insecurities with his body at all.

"you're fine, don't worry."

I saw his cheeks blush a bit. I didn't want to ask anything more. I was going to seem too curious. I wondered if they talked about me tho.

We stepped in the candy shop. The smell of candy and sugar always reminded me of home, however, I hate sweets with tons and tons of sugar on.

Louis' eyes were amazed. Whenever he looked at a candy box, his mouth opened a bit more.

"do you want something?"

"ahhhhh yeah." it was obvious he wanted. "you don't?"

He made his way to a mini bears shaped candies' box. He told me they were his favourites.

I giggled while watching him pay for my brother's and his own candies. Louis and Alex were so excited that they ran to the park in front and sat under a big tree, devuring it. It was cool and fresh underneath.

"you're sure you don't want some?" he offered. "ya know, I have many." He lifted his 6 little packs full of candies as he got six more bears in his mouth.

"no, thanks. I'm not really a fan of candies covered in sugar."

"that must be why you're skinny."

I had to look over at him to check if he was silently chuckling. But he wasn't.

"why are you looking at me like that? because you'll possibly blind me with all your beauty. Fucking gorgeus, jeez."

I felt a smile trying to appear on my face, but I remembered my brother was still there. I looked at him, a bit worried. I didn't want him to know any swears. Not at 11.

"oh right. Sorry for the swear there. It wasn't pretty." Louis spoke to my brother, with his most honest look.

"I'm used to it."

"You are?" I asked, very surprised.

"yes. Ralph says it all the time."

"oh right. I will have to talk to him about that."

"Raplh is your older brother right?" Louis asked, taking a bite on a mini banana candy.

"yeah. He's 24."

"oh he's my age! We have to meet someday."

It suddendly hit me that Louis was 24. And I was 19. He had a job, a career and I was going to University.


"yeah. I'm sorry, i was thinking about... things of my own. Never mind."

"you shouldn't overthink about things. You know, the best things that happen in life, happen when you don't think about 'em."

I didn't know why, but I got that as an indirect about us. It wasn't probably.

"you're right. But, you have to think otherwise things might get out of control and not end well."

"that's called destiny." He said with a big smile on his face.

Okay he was definitly talking 'bout us.

"you can't control destiny. And you can't control your emotions. If something is meant to be, than it has to happen. you can't think about that."

"you are pretty smart too you know?"

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