_chapter 18_

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guys, it's here!

i hope you are still there reading chapter 17and i hope you enjoy reading chapter 18 aswell! have a great day, love you!


oh! sorry! i just forgot to put all my social media links below soi'm doing it now, hope you don't mind!

twitter: @fromatozalfie

instagram: bunnybibs

snapchat: fromatozalfie

weheartit: fromatozalfie

my blog: http://bunnybibs.blogspot.pt/

so, let me think what you think (ahahaha) about me starting a youtube channel because i really wanted to start one a long time ago, but never did. so, just yeah, tell me what you think! now this is it guys! love you all, byeeee x

I woke up to the beat of a fucking annoying loud drum. Everytime I have a good night of sleep, where I'm comfy and warm and I don't have nightmares or wake up in the middle of the dawn, my brother has the excellent idea of starting his day at 9AM playing his fucking loud drums.

Why did he have to choose, from all the others instruments there are in this gigantic world, the drums? The loudest instrument of all? Why the interest of making my morning starting the worst way possible?

I put my pillow over my head, but it was unbearable. Too loud. And I wasn't going to loose a Saturday morning of sleep, that was for sure.

So I pushed my duvets away, stood up, put on my slivers and got out of the room, heading to my brother's bedroom. As I closed the door with clear annoynce by the way I closed it, my mum greeted me with a frown.

"wow, you really are powerfull today!"

I rolled my eyes. Of course mum rolled her eyes too, mocking me. She even huffed. "it's not only me." I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and reached Alex's bedroom door. I had to tap my ears and close the door before anyone could get hurt. It was damaging the way he was playing.

He stopped when he noticed me. He was still in his pijamas and his hair was all over the place, however his energy was definitly not. At 9 fucking AM. on a Saturday morning. Im sure mum gave him some kind of RedBull or other energy drink right after him woke up.

"Oh Al! You have to hear this new beat! It starts really soft but then-"

"hey hey hey!" I shouted. I breathed deep, closing my eyes before I continued. "can you talk a bit slower and a bit lower too?"

"Are you hangovered?" he asked, with the most normal attitude.

"no I'm not. Do I seem like I have a hangover?" I took a seat on his bed. "Can you just don't play drums for a bit? Like five hours? It's Saturday and it's the morning. I would like to sleep. Please."

He sat next to me. "okay. I will stop playing sister."

I gave him a kiss on his forehead and stood up. "thank you. You're an angel."

"I'm not finished yet." He said. He had a smirk on his face that I was well aware off. It was the I-Want-Something-Back smirk.

"what do you want?"

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