_chapter 19_

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Hannah sat on the bench next to me and placed all of her huge and little bags on the ground around the wooden bench.

"you realize it's only 9AM Han?"

She shot me an annoyed look before pulling me in for a hug. "I was already awake at 7AM, ready to shop and trying to contact you, without any success, so I think I know what time it is Al."

"what did you buy?" I started searching through the bags but she pulled my hands away.

"Don't touch! I already bought your birthday present and I would like to keep it from you until the 4th of July alright?" I nodded in agreement. I didn't have other choice really. "bikinis, triquinis, swimsuits, a skirt, a few pairs of shorts, a top and two pairs of sandals." She talked while she showed me the items. They were all gorgeus of course, and expensive as hell.

"someone just received a good adjustment on her bank account huh?"

"I can answer that with mum's return to England. 5 months apart, but it was worth it."

Hannah's parents were divorced. They separated 5 years after Hannah was born. She always lived with her mum, Elizabeth, who is a lawyer. But not like any other lawyer. Hannah's mum defends celebrities. I remember one time her missing Han's birthday party because she had to defend Justin Bieber on court and she had to travel to the USA. Of course Hannah begged her mum to try on Justin to write something for her, wich actually he did. I think she still has the paper on her wall or something.

Most of the times, Hannah's mum is not present at home. She has to fly to other countries or far away cities to work so Hannah stays home alone more times than a teenager should be. But me, Carly and Jo make things easier. We always come sleepover when she's alone. I know it's hard for Hannah. And for her mother too. They have a special bond. From the time her father got out of the house and married another woman they have grown into a best friends relationship. He's an womanizer but he always treats me like I am one of his kids whenever I go to his house with Hannah. He lives in London and works as an important figure on the politics world. I'm not going to lie, Hannah's family is rich. her grandparents too. So whenever she needs money or whenever she wants something, she gets it. But she's not rude, she's honestly the most genuine person I know.

"so what was it so important for you to call me at 7AM?" I asked.

"oh right!" she sat straight and moved a bit closer to me, her body transfering excitement around us. "I know you are going to love this!"

She grabbed a key out from her white purse and shook it in front of my eyes.

"you got another car?"

"no silly! I already have two! I don't need more!" I rolled my eyes at her statement. "this is your key to our house!"

I looked at her skepticall. She couldn't be talking serious. She wouldn't by me a house. I mean us. I mean who?

"who's house?"

"mine, yours, Carly's and Jo's." she grinned.

I tried to smile back but the confusion flying around my head was too many. "Hannah. Explain." I demanded nervously.

"so I made a little research in my families' houses and stuff, just to see where I could go spend some vacation time. And I found out my uncle, Tom, has a house he hasn't used in years. I think he never used it to be realistic, he almost forgot he got it when I asked him abut it. So I talked to him and he handed me the key. I can't live there by myself, it would be boring. So what if we four turned that house into OUR house? Like a vacation resort or something. Believe me, it's huge. And when I say it's huge, you know what I mean. It's like our palace. Wouldn't it be so much fun?"

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