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"I mean is it too much to get get a man to urinate on me? Why can't he mark his territory.", she asks hysterically. I try to keep a straight face and not judge her. This woman has been coming here for about two months. I've tried to tell her to try another therapist but she keeps coming back.

"Maybe a man sees that as degrading. Why do you even want a man to piss on you?", my statement is bold but fuck it.
"It's dominating. I just want a man that will share his golden shower with me.", she explains. "Then call R. Kelly!", this lady had hopped on my last nerve and has tapped out my last bit of patience. "What you need to do is buy some Ben Wa balls, and some chocolate sauce. Use your imagination and move on with life. And fix your damn hair, ain't nobody got time to be messing around with a wasp nest.", it has to be said. My patients know that I don't play games. So why this lady keeps trying me I have no idea.
"Look, I have lunch with my sister in about half an hour, so I should be going.", I said while getting up. Maybe I should get some Chipotle I've been wanting one of their burritos for a minute. Fuck it, I'll buy two since they still have that buy one get one free deal going on. I can eat the other one for my late night snack cause I know I'll be stuck here late. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but I didn't spend my hard earned money on a nice suburban home just to have it sit empty. Whether I'm here or at my office the bills don't stop. I make my way out of my office and walk down to the lobby. As usual, Madison stopped me. She one of the therapist here that find my job disgusting. "Carmen, how lovely of you to pop up at such a convenient time.", she says. I roll my eyes. "I'm taking my lunch leave me alone.", I say. To say that we don't like each other is an understatement. I loathe that woman with everything in me. If it wasn't for her I could've had a happy home growing up. She used to fuck my Daddy. Which in the end cause Mama to leave us. I'm not mad at Mama, because I understand. But this bitch right here can get the business, I don't give a damn how old she is. Now her and my Daddy wanna play boyfriend and girlfriend. For ten years! Baby doll you are not winning. Mama is still Ms. Simmons, so hats off to the backdoor hoes with empty promises.

"Carmen you need to check your attitude, my spirits are too high.", she fires back. You know what? Let me check this bitch real quick. Hopefully Amari hasn't left the house yet.

"What I need to check is that stale ass wig you rocking. You got lice? How many loads d k d you swallow before coming here? The only thing that's high on you is your intake of dick butter, so do me a favor and toss that bullshit somewhere else. Old poor mouth dick sucking hoe. And I know you didn't get those clothes at the 99 cent special at the flee market, bitch bye.", I spoke the truth. This bitch was always threatening me but then wants to play innocent at work.
"Didn't I tell you I was gone beat your ass the next time you came at me the wrong way? You gone get some act right.", she said getting up out of her seat. I slide out of my heels. "And I told you to throw those hands when you ready.", I said. I take my earrings off and put them in the pocket of my blazer. Oh I'm gonna enjoy this.


"Bring that shit up one more time! I said no Daniel and that's what I mean!", I yell. We argued all of last night, woke up this morning and we're still arguing.
"It isn't like that. I just want to experience something different with you. What's the problem? ", he asks. "The problem is you wanting to have sex with another woman. Am I not good enough for you. If not than you should've never asked me to come back into your life.", I stress to him. He is doing to much for My liking. "Stop making it sound that way. Am I wrong for wanting to get freaking with my girlfriend? I love you and you know that. I just want you to share this with me.", he pleads. I frown at him. "You're disgusting is what you are.", I say. I grab my jacket and my car keys. I take one last look at him before leaving out the door.

I walk into Hong Kong. On the way here I called in an order for Seaseme Chicken and an order if Crab Ragoon and Wontons. I got the Crab Ragoon for Carmen, she's the only one I know that likes it. I pull out a twenty to pay for my food and tell the clerk to keep th w change. As long as they keep me satisfied with the quality of my meal they can always keep the change. I can't believe Daniel. I don't mind giving him what he needs but that's asking for too much. We've brought toys and edibles into the room. So am I not enough? Am I not pretty enough? No, that's not it. I hardly wear makeup. Yeah, I'm confident in myself, but not enough to share my man. I work too hard on this body to not have our t be the center of attention in the bedroom. He could've gotten this out of his system when we were broken up. I wouldn't have cared then. But then again who's to say he hasn't and that's why he wants to do it so bad. I don't know. I don't even wanna care anymore. But I do. Life just goes downhill when you're old enough to develop feelings for the opposite sex. Why does love/lust have to feel so good? Daniel has worn me out plenty of times. Day or night he'd stroke me until we were too sore to carry on. My mind just goes into a different space when I'm with him. Hopefully Carmen will know what to say.


I threw a left hook straight at her nose. She grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall, choking and shaking me at the same time. I draw my fist back and sock her in the head unit she left me go. I snatched her hair off before bashing it in her face. Now some of that lice can find a new home. Before she can do anything else I swiped the wig cap off her head as well. All I saw was a few tuffs of dyed hair. She put her hands up to cover her head and screamed. I bust out laughing. I guess a bald bitch would know how to give some good head. This old dust bag is a jokes. Madison ran off embarrassed, but not before grabbing her wig off of the floor. McNuggets with no sauce lookin ass trick. I slip my shoes back on. I'll just skin off of whatever Amari has.

After explaining her whole situation to me, I knew what the problem was. "Daniel isn't Daddy. You can't hold that over that man's head like that.", I say while eating my Crab Ragoon. "It's not that I just don't wanna share what's mine.", she says. I know it's only half true and that she's trying to avoid what I just said. I think it's only rights to please your mate. "We always said we'd do anything to please our men, remember that.", I remind her. "So would you let a man do you in the booty?", she asks. I laugh and roll my eyes. "Been there done that, not for me. Only a man I care about has that option, which hasn't been the case since....", I trail off my words not wanting to bring him up.

I called out of work g or the rest of the day, I didn't have anymore clients t o see anyway. I walk up to my door when I foot nudged something. A black box. I pick it up carefully and open it. There in plain sight is a beautifully made masquerade mask. Underneath is a symbol of a castle stamped on a letter. I unlock my door and go inside while unfolding the letter.

You have been a desired guest for quite some time now. Here at the Palace of the Forbidden aka, The Palace, we provide you with the opportunity of a lifetime. Very little know of such places, but many have found their pleasures beyond our gates.

Time: Midnight
Place: Blossom Stone Avenue
Dress Code: Lingerie- Nude

The Hostess

I smile spread across my face. I've heard plenty about The Palace, but I never thought the day would cone when they wanted me as a member. Finding something sexy to wear is no problem, but I have to make it epic for my first night. I'm definitely gonna open the gates of The Palace.

*S/O UrbanAuthor, who made this cover possible so that my book could have that sex appeal it needed. Check out her books, such as Dicked Down, 15 and Pregnant, and Abused. If you into Looney Tunes and Disney Channel and etc. You don't have no business reading her stuff (this either for that matter). She has a collaboration serious called Thot, make sure you check those out and show her love and support. If you're a writer that wants a book cover done, feel free to search Urban Wattpad Book Covers and fill out your application if it's still open. Don't waste her time If you are picky, she takes time to do these covers for free so be grateful that she's willing to show her other talents.

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