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I was shaken up after the cops left. Somebody broke into my home.

I went upstairs and into my bedroom. I turned my pillow over to the cooler side and noticed pictures.

I faint when I see what's on them. My whole day summed up in pictures. They even had pictures of me the day of Amari's cookout. Somebody is really out to get me.

I invested in a top of the line security system, a new baseball bat, and a gun. I ain't playing these kind of games. I've seen Obsessed. I'll be damn if a stray bitch invades my home. Fuck being nice. I was a softball MVP, and I had the anchor position on the track team in high school and college. Not to mention when I was little I used to visit my grandparents, they had me out there busting wood. Play with me if you want to. I hold grace like a Queen, but I'll beat your ass if you fuck with me. I don't entertain these type of games. But I'm not worrying about that tonight.

Justin is taking me out on another date. We're going to eat at Tokyo then if we're up to it, the ice cream shop. He told not to worry about anything because he's got it tonight. He told me I wasn't even aloud to bring my purse with me, which will feel kind of weird for me.

I hear a knock at the door. I pull my dress down a little and go to see who it is.

"Who is it?"

"It's me."

"I don't know a me, you must have the wrong house."

"It's Justin." a smile flashes across my face. I enter the security code into the pad and let him in.

"Wow you look beautiful. So sexy." by the look in his eyes I can tell he wants to peel this dress right off me. Maybe later.

"Thank you." I notice the red roses in his hand. "Are those for me?"

Justin clears his throat and hands them to me. He ain't slick, but regardless I accept the flowers. Twenty-four roses.

"Let me put these in some water real quick and then we can go." I kiss him on the cheek before walking into my kitchen. I got out one of my Crystal vases and filled it with water. Out of all this expensive shit I have, how come they never took anything? That lets me know that this was personal. They either wanted something I had or wanted me dead.

This restaurant is nice. So elegant, and not a whole lot of people. When we were showed to our table the show began.

She squeezed the ketchup bottle and I swear to God it was about to get in my face. At the last minute the string was sucked back into the bottle. Oh I see they like to play. I laugh and clap along with the other people. I can't even lie though, she was do I 'm g the damn thing with this meat. I ordered the Hibachi chicken, and Justin ordered the Hibachi steak and some sushi. He's a good one, I can't stand the shit. Raw fish! Uh uh, not me. I wonder how this night will end though.
This food is so good, but as good as it is I can't keep my eyes off the meal in front of me. He has on some Calvin Klein cologne, and can't help but to watch his mouth as he takes another bite. I probably sound like a big hoe, but I don't care. I want some of him right now. I don't care if people watch us, just as long as I'm riding the thick man meat he has between his legs. I'll play it cool for now though, even if my kitty is begging to take right here on this floor and fuck his brains out.

"Are you enjoying your meal?"he asks.

"Yes everything is very appetizing." my answer came out a little more seductive than it was supposed to. He must not have noticed since he didn't have a smart ass comment.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?"

"Now you know I want that house special strawberry cheesecake ice cream." I don't even know why he asked. He knows whenever we go to Frozen Princess that's what I'm getting. They had me hooked on that the very first time I tried it.

"Alright. Let's go. How much you want me to tip?"

"For that meal, give her at least thirty dollars." yes, it was that damn good. Justin did one better and tips the cook $150.

We sit down in the ice cream shop, waiting for our order to be fixed. Within minutes, an older lady place our ice cream in front of us.

"Thank you." Justin answers for the both of us. We get up and walk back outside to his car to eat our desserts.

"So would you ever had a threesome?" he asks out of nowhere. We've been sitting in his car for about five minutes just enjoying our treats.

"Yeah. It would have to be with another chick though. I would have to do too much work if it were two guys." I say.

"Mila didn't do too back." he responded.

"You know you fucked up for that right."


"You know that's been my girl since the tenth grade." My good friend Mila has a sex tape all over the internet. The world knows her as Mila Amora, but I know her as my good friend. When I caught word of her sex tape, I thought it was a lie until I looked for myself. I didn't think it was that big of idea. I didn't know who the Hispanic guys was, but I recognized Dorian. If that delicious hunk wasn't such a dog he could've been eligible to get some. I won't lie though, watching both of those men eat her at the same time turned me on. Then when they had her in the air...let me think about something else.

"I forgot you knew her before the fame." Justin's voice finally entered my mind.

"Yeah. I don't know why people tripping, whatever she does with her kitty box is up to her." true shit, I way born with my own privates.

"I'm only concerned with one kitty box right now."

"Is that right?" I take another bite of my ice cream, letting it melt in my mouth. I watch as he licks is cone, intentionally teasing me.

"I wanna take you back to my place." he says. It didn't dawned on me until he said it that I realized, I haven't been to his house yet.

"Can I at least finish my ice cream first?" I ask. I'm dead serious, this ice cream is too good to let go to waste. Justin is already eating his cone so he didn't have but a few more bites.

After finishing his cone, Justin stared intensely at me. He unbuttoned his pants. I watch his every move, continuing to eat this slice of heaven in a bowl. Justin pulls out his man meat. It's hard like a rock, he strokes it with purpose. My mouth waters to taste him. I finish my last bite quickly and put the bowl into an empty trash bag.

"Take me to your place." I say. He starts the car. He was about to tuck himself back in his pants when I stopped his hands.

"Uh uh uh, let me handle that big daddy"

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