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I open my eyes. Last night got pretty wild. Now it's about time I embark on the next part to my sexual journey.

I shake Daniel awake.


"I think I wanna have that threessome, and I know the perfect place to go.", I explain.

It's about time that I get to live, I'm still in my twenties and have yet to actually live the way I want to. It's always been about business instead of pleasure.

Daniel sat up a little.

"Say what?", he asked in disbelief.

"I want to have a threesome, don't look so shocked."

"Amari, you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"I want to. I already know a woman can't take what's mine. I'm secure in myself."

"Last night was crazy. What has gotten into you baby?"

"Is there something wrong with wanting to please my man all of a sudden?", I asked, openly offended.

He finally has gotten the freak he wanted and now he acts as if something is wrong.

"Are you having second thoughts about it?", I finally ask.

"No. I just didn't expect you to agree to it. You can't blame me for being cautious, its like one moment you hated the idea. Then the next you got me on all fours and licking my ass."

"Well, let's just say I've had a change of heart. Now enough about that, let's have some good morning sex.", I whisper.

I kiss him on his neck, and he wraps his arms around me. I love this feeling of having him, and knowing that I'm all that he needs.

An hour later

I step out if the shower and quickly dress myself in sweatpants and a t shirt. Sebastian called me just before I took my shower to ask me to come to the restaurant. I don't really feel like going anywhere but, its Sebastian and I did bail on him rather quickly the other night. For good reason though, and what a night it was.

I walked towards the front door. Daniel is passed out on the couch butt ass naked. I blow an air kiss to him even though he's not awake to catch it. Its the thought that counts.

Forty minutes later

I walk to the back of the restaurant and into the kitchen, where Sebastian always occupies himself. Its not quite opening hours yet, so most of the staff busied themselves doing prep work.

"Hey bro.", I say, standing beside him.

"Why are you limping so hard?", he asked.

"I had a busy night.", I laugh.

"I can't believe you got that freaky."

"Whatever, Sebastian. I can be freaky.", I tell him.

The kitchen door swings open to reveal Carmen.

"Hey guys. Is there a reason we had to meet so early?", she asked.

My eyes went straight to her arm.

"What the fuck happened to your arm?", Sebastian asked.

Now we're both looking at her, wondering when this happened. It had to be last night cause any other time I spoke to her she was fine. Now here she is in front of me, limping and with an arm sling. I hope that this is just a case of good sex, but the odds of that are highly doubtful.


Siblings, they can be so overprotective at times. Within ten minutes I was able to explain how my night went. They are pissed to say the least. But I don't want to talk about me, Justin is taking good care of me. Actually I would've been here a little sooner if he was so pressed on washing my body for me and worrying me about eating.

I've been staying with him for one day and already I'm ready for some distance. My arm and shoulder are a little bruised but, I am fully capable of looking after myself.

"You guys I am fine. Stop worrying.", I try to tell them.

"A grown ass man cane up in your house a beat your ass, and you don't want us to worry? What kind of shit is that Carmen.", Amari defends. I roll my eyes in response.

The possibility of him coming back is practically non existent. I wasn't ready for him last night, but if he were to come back I know what to expect. Nobody is gonna make me fear coming into my own home. As soon as I get Justin off my back I'm taking my ass right back home. So the last thing I need is these two breathing down my neck.

"Y'all know I don't do the vulnerable thing. As soon as this sling comes off of me I'll be just fine. Speaking of I don't know what I'm gonna wear to work today."

"Work? You shouldn't be working at a time like this.", Sebastian points out.

"I'm fine to work. My bills won't pay for themselves and its not like anybody else will do it. My condition in no way shape or form will interrupt my work."


"Can we please just change the topic please? Amari, how was Barcelona?", I change the subject.

Amari goes on to tell us all of what happened on the trip. I definitely notice that something is different about her. She's cursing more, and seems way more exotic and in tune with her sexuality, and I am living her box braids.

"I'm glad you had fun, you two needed that.", I tell her in excitement. I'm so happy for her!

Romance is back in the air between her and Daniel. Maybe they are finally moving past this threesome situation.

Later on

I walk up to my house, I need something to wear and all of my work clothes are here.

I unlock the door and walk right in. My things are still in disarray. I should probably clean up a little bit while I'm here, goodness knows I don't want to deal with it later. I grab a broom and immediately go to the dining room. I keep my eyes on the floor and start sweeping up the glass. May I add that there is a lot of glass. I'm gonna have to go over this floor more thoroughly when I have the time. I catch something in the corner of my eye. I look up and my heart stopped. Another message on the wall. My attack wasn't random. Someone is out to get me.


I fall to my knees with tears in my eyes. Its getting harder and harder to breathe, and I feel like my eyes are gonna roll to the back of my head. I reach into my pocket and out my cellphone. I hurriedly speed dial Amari's number.

"Hello?", she answers.

"Amari. I need you to come and get me.", my voice shaking and barely audible.

"Carmen, are you okay?", she asked concerned.

"Please come and get me.", I managed to say before my eyes started rolling to the back of my head.

"Carmen! Carmen! Oh my god, Daniel! Get up, get up we gotta go! Get up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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