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I wake up with a smile on my face. Daniel and I spent the whole night just talking and watching Netflix. Between Scandal and Charmed we feel asleep. Or rather I did. I get up to cook breakfast. Being the sister of a chef has its perks. You pick up on a few things. I get out a skillet and turn on the stove.

Spinach Frittatas. With just the right spices and flavors any dish can bring a smile to your face. Daniel walks into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I wish every morning could be like this. Things were easier for us in college. But time flies and so does age. "Good morning babe.", I sing. "Morning baby,", he says while wrapping his arms around me. "What are you cooking?", he asks. "Spinach Frittatas. I thought you would be still asleep by the time I finished.", I admit. He holds me tighter as I slide his food onto a clean plate. "Okay, breakfast is ready. Just give me a second to get you something to drink.", I say. "I can get it.", he says. Daniel actually hates when I cater to him so it's a big step for me to even cook him breakfast. His parents taught him that it's his job as a man to cater to a woman. I have no problem with this but, I would like to show my affection sometimes. I wouldn't want him to think he's not appreciated and sometimes a thank you isn't enough. If all goes well today I won't mind breaking out my massage oil and giving him a deep tissue massage. They way he works, he needs it.

After eating and putting our dishes in the sink I go into the bathroom for a shower. I undress quickly and turn on the water to a temperature of my liking. I have on of those big showers where you have three shower heads and plenty of space. I get in the shower, letting the warm water surround me. Daniel knocks on the shower door. "Can I join?", he asks. "Sure, why not. Keep in mind that you have to be at work on time.", I say. I am fully aware of what's on his mind. I don't mind giving it to him either. I hear his clothes on the floor. The shower door opens and he quickly slides in. The steam in here is great. I grab my strawberries and cream body wash. I lather it into my washcloth before putting it back on the stand. Thick foam forms on my skin as I wash my body. It almost reminds me of....never mind. I feel Daniel's manhood brush my butt as he gets closer. He takes my washcloth into his hand and commence to washing me. "That's my job", he whispers in my ear. This is definitely a perfect time to be intimate. Don't get me wrong shower sex is overrated, but there is something about your mate washing your body. It makes you feel so special. Daniel washes down my stomach before his fingers find their way to my love box. "Mmmm.", I lean my head back onto his chest. "You like that baby?", he ask. He turns me around to face him, dropping the washcloth. Our lips find their way to each other and we share a kiss filled with passion, love, and lust. A dangerous combination.


"Oh my gosh! Ow Romell, yes! Harder! Slap my ass!", I yell. Wap! The stinging sensation makes me pump it back to him. I'm throwing my hips in circles meeting his strokes. "Talk nasty to me baby. Tighten up your grip again, I love that shit.", he demands as he long strokes me. "Fuck me daddy, yes! Give it to me!", I'm practically in tears. I bite his lip, wanting every piece of him. His dick isn't enough, I want it all. I've cum four times and he hasn't cum yet. This is something I could get used to, and to think this is only our first round. No breaks have been had since we started. I love it this way. I feel my body get lifted up off of the bed. Our sex decorated everything. The wall, floor, nightstand, dresser, and the windows.

I sit upright out of my sleep. Visons of last night play over in my mind. I look over and see Romell asleep with his mask still on. I reach over and slowly take it off. "Justin!", I shout angrily. To say that I'm pissed is an understatement. "Justin Rashon Barnett, get your ass up!", I hit him with a pillow. You know what I need to get the hell out of here. I rise off the bed cursing under my breath. It took me years to get over him. This is low. He broke my heart and now he's dragged me all the way out here. After I finished putting back on my clothes I start walking towards the door. "Carmen, wait a minute!", I could hear him getting out of bed. Tears spill from my eyes as I run, trying to find the stairs. I feel a hand grip my shoulder. I snatch away. "Don't touch me!", I yell at. "Okay, okay. I just want you to hear me out.", he pleads. I just stare at him, not bothering to say anything. I just wanna get the hell up out of here. "I want you back. Letting you go was the hardest thing I could've done and I'm sorry.", he say. "Let me go? I caught you fucking two bitches in my bed. You know what? Fuck you!", I storm down the stairs ignoring him calling my name. Its been six years and I still never felt that kind of humiliation that I felt that day. I get to the front door and my arms are grabbed. "Let me go!", I say. More tears falls from my arms and my blood boils more. "Stop running from me Carmen. I'm not gonna hurt you.", he tries to reason. "You already hurt me. So unless you're about to tell me how the hell to get out of here, let me go!", my hands tremble uncontrollably, one of the downfalls of my anger. "You can't the Ferris doesn't come back until six, and I can't reveal the location of this house. I snatch away from him. "I'm not staying here. So you better find a way to get me home. I'm not playing with your ass.", my voice goes in and out. "I can't, not until the Ferris comes.", he says. Refusing to believe him I open the from door and storm off. I look around and see that everything from last night is gone. Everything. "I told you There was no way out of here.", he says. I feel like he's trying to be smart. I hate him, with everything in me. I hate him. "I hate you.", I muttered. "You don't mean that. I turn around and show him my left breast. A place where his name was tattooed on me. "Why did you do that? I know I messed up, but we were supposed to be forever.", he says. I can hear the hurt in his voice. "News flash, Justin, nothing lasts forever. Not even the love I have for you. I had to move on.", I snapped. There's more to the story than him cheating on me, but I don't want to remember. I can't go back down that path. That night is when I gave up on love. So now that he's in my face, what am I suppose to do?

I brush past him and find a room to sit in. Furniture and everything has been changed. He sits down beside me. "I thought you were dead.", I say more to myself. "Everybody does. I had to. One day I was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. The next I'm trying to live my life to the fullest before I went into hiding.", I roll my eyes. "So that's your excuse for cheating?", I ask. I know he doesn't expect me to believe this bullshit. "I had to get you unattached from me. If I didn't you probably would've tried to find out who killed me and cause more harm to yourself than necessary. Why did you even come to my place that night?", Justin asked. I broke down in sobs. "I was pregnant!", I managed to say. "What?!", I hear the disbelief in his voice. I look at him. "That's why I came over to your place. I was trying to work things out with you for the sake of our unborn child. But as you know the surprise was on me. All of the stress from your murder caused me to have a miscarriage.", my voice is a little above a whisper. "That's why you hate me. And anything that had to do with me you put in the back of your mind.", his conclusion is one hundred percent true. But I never really healed from my grief, I just set it aside. He pulls me into my arms and I try to pull away. "Let me hold you Carmen. It's okay. Just let it out.", his words soothe me like they used to. I cry into his chest, still in shock of all that happened in the last ten minutes. A man I loved, who I thought was dead wasn't. I revealed to him something that Amari doesn't even know, and now I'm crying in his chest and listening to his heart beat. I remember I used to listen to Hold On by Lil' Kim on repeat morning his death. But my world stopped when I lost my baby. I don't wish that pain on anyone. Justin rocks me in his arms slowly, and I feel his pain. The pain of leaving me alone and the loss of his child and the thought of what could've been.


I sit in one of the lounge chairs at the spa. Sebastian got here early as usual so I went ahead and scheduled in our foot massages. "How is everything with Daniel?", he asks. "Its going. I feel like he's keeping something from me though.", I admit. Sebastian turned to look at me. "How do you mean?", he asks. "Its like sometimes when we have dinner or something, he opens his mouth to say something but then he just pauses. He's been doing that a lot lately. I don't know what to think.", I say. Sebastian smiles. "What?", I ask. "Nothing Amari. Jeez I can't smile anymore?", he asks laughing. I lean back into my chair closing my eyes to relax. I have a feeling something is going to piss me off today, but I don't think it has anything to do with Daniel. "So how are things with you and Bentley?", I ask innocently. "Don't even bring his name up to me.  That ship sailed months ago.", he says. I throw my hands up in surrender. "Okay fine we don't have to talk about him, but at least admit that y'all were good together.", I say. "Nope. That's not gonna happen.", he says while taking a sip of his drink. I laugh at him. He needs to fix things with Bentley, they were good together. I reach over and take a few sips of my water. I wonder how long Daniel will be in that meeting. I hope it doesn't take all day, I have plans for him tonight. "Have you heard from Carmen? ", Sebastian asks. "No actually. Which is weird because she usually calls first thing in the morning.", I say. "You don't think something happened to her do you?", he asks. "No. I'm sure she's fine. You worry to much. She's a grown woman I'm sure she's fine.", I say. I was trying to convince myself more than anything else. Growing up we've always been extremely close to each other. The fact that neither me or Sebastian has heard from her has me a bit worried. I know the lifestyle she lives, but she would never spent a night with a guy. I wonder if she's alright. "Maybe we should give her time to get here.", I suggest. "Maybe you're right. But if she's not here than we need to stop by her place.", Sebastian says. I nod in agreement. She should be okay. I doubt anybody would take advantage of her. Although she is beautiful. People don't kidnap in daylight do they? What if something happened last night? "Stop worrying yourself Amari.", Sebastian says as he squeezes my hand. "I'm sure she's fine. Probably having an early morning sex-a-thon", we both share a laugh. Is she?

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