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His kisses on my neck. The smell of his cologne. He makes me melt every time, whether I know it's him or not, we're linked. Here we are butt naked on his desk. At any moment someone could barge in, and I don't care. I just want him. I want to feel him, taste him. With each strong stroke he delivers to me I am being reassured. I still love him. Only he can make love to me like this, and I miss it. I missed him. I only wanna make love to him. My toes curls and I shut my eyes tightly as I cum on his length.

After our love session we put our clothes back on. We just hold each other. Time doesn't matter right now, because he is my eternity. Being wrapped in his strong arms just make me feel so good, because nothing else matters but me and him.

"I love you" he says, breaking the silence. "I know." is all I say in return. I can't admit my love right now, not out loud at least.

"Take as much time as you need. When your finally ready to say it, I'll be right here. I hate that I've done this to you." he says. I pull away from his embrace. "I have to go, I have a few errands to run before I go home." I say walking to the door. "I can't be who you want me to be. Not right now." with that I exit out of the door. I walked through the office like a runway model, keeping on my poker face. A few women gave me the stank eye, but I don't give a fuck. I'll fuck their men the same way. Well, not quite the same. The men had smirks on their faces, checking me out from head to toe. If only they knew who I am when the lights are dimmed. Could they handle it? I don't think their ready for this. Not a chance.

I stop by this Bed Bath & Beyond and got me some new bubble bath. I was feeling good today. Maybe that had to do more with the morning nookie I had. And they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm all flowers and rainbows today. I can't get the sex off my mind.

Finally home, I get in the shower and start washing. The steam embraces me in the warmth of comfort. There is nothing like a steamy shower. While I was out shopping, I got a call from Amari. She wants me to swing by her place tonight. Daniel has left for Barcelona, leaving her lonely. That couldn't have been me. I would've been right there on that flight with his ass. Amari says she trusts him though. Shit, not me. If it was another state I wouldn't mind, but another country? Forget about it, cause your ass ain't going. Anyway, after I leave from her place I'm going back to the Palace. Scarlett needs to make her return.


I though I would get my two weeks in, but his boss called him in for the trip early. Even thought I'm disappointed by it I support my baby. Two months without him? Now that's the real challenge. I hear Carmen's car outside so I go ahead and open the door.

We've been talking for awhile, and Carmen finally told me where she was that day. I'm slightly disgusted but intrigued. "You should come with me tonight." she said. Maybe I heard her wrong. "Huh?" I ask. "Come with me." She said it again. "That's not my kind of party." something was different. I actually want to go. It's like a flame of curiosity has lit inside of me and I can't put it out. "On second thought..."

I did it big for my first night at The Palace. My hair falls in loose curls. My tight pantsuit takes to my body like a second skin. The sheer exposes my stomach and back. I pull the hood over my head and put on the masquerade mask Carmen gave me. Yes! I haven't felt this sexy in a long time. I've always been scared to let my inner freak out to play in public. But none of those rules apply tonight. Tonight in The Palace, shall roam The Freak. Who knows who I might meet there.

The ride up the steep hill almost made me have second thoughts, but once we got inside, things seemed worth it. Hung naked men and topless busty women walked around shamelessly. I wasn't phased though. A guy walked up to us. He looks familiar somehow. He seems to know Carmen though. "Scarlett, it's nice to see you here again.", he said. I swear I've seen him somewhere before. "You too Romell." she spoke with pure lust behind her words. She had already explained to me about the names and all. Romell's eyes shifted towards mine. "And you are?" he asks. "Call me Sable." I say wishing I had more time to think about my alter ego name. I guess it'll due.

Romell lifted my hand to his lip and kissed it. "Welcome to The Palace, Sable." he grinned. I examined his body. I can admit, I like what I see. But, there's one problem, he's not Daniel.

After a few minutes pass of Romell just starting at me, I decide to go to the bar. I sit down on the plush stool and wait my turn. "What can I getcha?" a deep southern voice asked. This guy had to be about 6'6, piercing grey eyes, broad shoulders, and nicely sculpted abs, and his long brown hair pulled back in a neat ponytail. I wonder how many woman have pulled that hair during a fuck session. Excuse my French.

"I'll have a Jolly Rancher, please." I say. He gives me a smile before turning around to make my drink. The stool beside me is suddenly occupied. I assumed it was Carmen until I looked over to see another woman. There was really no point in her wearing that gown, it left nothing to the imagination. She's pretty though. I turn my head back to the bartender, not wanting another eye full of her goodies. "Well hello there beautiful." is she talking to me? I turn and look at her, and sure enough she's starting right back at me. "Um, hey." I say awkwardly. I'm not used to women giving me compliments. "My name's Andrea." she extends her hands. I give her a subtle head nod. There is no way in hell I'm shaking that hand. "Sable." I simply say.

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