Chapter 20

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Lol shoutout to whoever said I forgot chapter 18... Idk man you made me laugh thanks for that. And yes ik I am an idiot for not updating please don't hate me. ): plus this chapter is rlly messed up and its the last one so im sorry...

SONG: listen to Guns for Hands by Twenty Øne Piløts during this ok (no pun intended... i think)


*Matt's POV*

[one week later]

"Matthew Espinosa?"

I slowly got up out of the uncomfortable chair. handcuffs chafed my wrists, saying as the officer put them more tightly then he should have. i don't blame him. what i did isn't exactly something socially acceptable. my orange jumpsuit was a bit too small for me as well.

i understand why these people hate me. i keep telling them the same story. i tell them my dad made me do it. how he persuaded me - telling me it was the right thing to do. they tell me that's not possible. they told me my dad died years ago. they just don't see what i see. he's always here. he's standing right behind them.

i can't believe it. i can't believe i killed her. he made me kill her. is that so hard to believe? he isn't dead. he can't be.

the doctors. they tell me i have   schizophrenia. tell me i'm imagining my father being in my room. being next to me as it happened. but that isn't possible. the fear i possessed was so great. his breath down my neck as i held the gun, aiming it directly at her temple, it sent shivers down my spine. it chilled my bones to such an extent that it couldn't have been fake.

i remember her tears. how they streamed down her perfect face. i wanted nothing more than to wipe them away. but then i remembered. i remembered how she was using me. and the shakiness of my hands ceased.

you want to know what happened?
here's what happened.
it's rather simple.

that day. that day after i realized her dying was just a dream. that day my dad came back. i went home. a little too calmly.

my dad followed me home. of course. he helped me find his old gun. don't ask me why he had one. i don't know either.

he placed it in my hand. the metal was cold, leaving a tingling sensation across my fingertips.

you know what to do.

a smirk played on my lips as he said those five words. i knew. i knew i wouldn't regret this. i knew it was wrong. but i knew this was going to be fun.

it was dark outside. it also happened to be a new moon. the lightless sky was left a swirling pool of nothingness by the absence of stars. the streetlights flickered continuously, allowing me to see only a few feet in front of me.

as i got closer to her house i took out the gun and inspected it. it was small, not like a hunting gun but more of a pistol. the black surface mirrored the sky. black was always a funny color, well, shade. and because it was a shade it meant that everything could be black. a soul so full of life and joy could just, snap. it could turn dull, emotionless, in the blink of an eye.

i remember running my fingers over the cold surface and letting out a sigh as i tucked it in the back of my pants . i remember thinking to myself it's a shame she had to die. it's a shame i had to be the one to do it. i remember feeling no remorse as i climbed up to her balcony. i remember knocking on the window and putting a smile on my face.

she walked up to the window, obviously surprised to see me, but she opened it and let me in anyways. she asked me what was wrong. i replied with a simple

"nothing. i just wanted to see you is all."

she nodded and offered to play a game. i said sure.

she asked me what i wanted to play. i pulled out my gun, aiming is square at her head, and told her

"how about a game of truth or truth. we can't really do dares this time of night with only two people and no booze can we?"

i laughed as her face filled with a mixture of fear and realization as to what was happening.

"alright Lilly, why don't i go first? truth or truth?" i remember smirking as she managed to form an answer.

"what do you want?"

her answer confused me. but i decided to take this opportunity and tell her why i was there. with a gun. in her room.

"why am i here? you want to know something? the first time we talked i was surprised. because no one ever talked to me more than once without getting scared off or without laughing in my face.

you were different. you were caring. you told me you loved me after two day. now how is that possible? i know i said it too. i said it because it doesn't take much for me to love. i guess it's because im so desperate for it in return.

but i have come to realize. that you have no reason to love me. sure, i made you laugh and smile. but i know those were fake. they were fake because they never quite reached your eyes.

when i woke up from my dream i saw my dad. he was standing right there. right behind you. i remember thinking why he was there. more importantly why you didn't notice.

honestly none of that matters now. he helped me. after all these god damn years he actually got off his ass and helped me. he helped me realize that you used me. you made a joke out of me this whole time. a laughing stock.

he helped me realize that i couldn't let you do that to anyone else."

i remember being furious. my voice shook at the end as though the words were to break at any minute.

but i didn't fall. i didn't break. i stood my ground.

she looked at me. sadness filled her eyes and tears slowly started to stream down her cheeks. she slowly stood up as she started to speak.

"Matt, Matt listen to me. yes on that first day of school Taylor came up to me. he told me about you. how you lived down the street from me. he told me we were going to play a practical joke."

by now she was full out sobbing as she stared at the gun pointed at her head. but she kept going.

"i never knew it was going to go this far. i never knew. he told me to make you fall for me. he told me to make you fall for me and then break your heart. i didn't know the real you. Matt i'm so sorry. i - "

a single gunshot sounded as she toppled to the floor. i remember my rage being replaced by satisfaction. she would never hurt anyone like she hurt me. never again.

the end.

please don't hate me.

if i made a Muke fanfic who would read it? (i already started it lol i just haven't posted it yet)



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