Chapter 15

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This may cause feels so be warned😬

*Lilly's POV*

"Lilly, it appears you are awake. My name is Dr. Webster" the doctor says, his voice raspy. He wears a weak smile on his face. One normally has when overcome with too much sorrow. Too much... Death. He starts to approach me, wooden clipboard in hand.

"Where's Matt?" I ask, feeling the sudden unease fill the room like a toxic gas.

"I don't think it would be wise to tell you at the moment. You have just woken up and the stress..." The doctor's voice trails off, adding to the dreadful silence in the room.

"I don't care. Let me see him. I will be more stressed until I can see him." My fear is replaced by anger as I say the words through gritted teeth, staring intently at him.

Dr. Webster ponders my remark. He takes a deep breath as he turns to the three girls. "Maliya, Marilyn, Emily, why don't you girls go to the front desk see if Matthew Espinosa is out of surgery? As for you, Lilly, you will get to see Matthew as soon as he is stitched up." The doctor states, obviously trying to calm me as the three girls hurry out of the room. Espinosa. I never heard his last name before. Its a nice one. It suits him.

But who can stay calm... Who could possibly stay calm... When the one person who cared about them was about to die?

I can't believe this is happening. He was the one person who cared. The one person who made me feel accepted. The one person who made me smile. I hadn't smiled in so long. I just fake smiled to entertain people. I never had a genuine smile. Hell, I forget what a real smile is. Then Matt walked into my miserable life and all my worries seemed to fly away. I never knew one person could make me so happy. Its been two days. Two frickin days and I can't get him off my mind. You aren't supposed to fall in love quickly, but then he smiled and I completely blew it.

A small smile appeared on my face as I thought of Matt. Then it twisted into a frown when reality came and slapped me hard in the face.

I suddenly felt a cool breeze across my legs. Wait... My legs. Shoot. I look down to see my legs completely exposed. My scars standing out against the fresh slashes made from the accident. Memories, sharp like daggers, stabbed my mind. Digging deep into the soft spots. I desperately fight back tears. I can't cry here. Not in front of these people.

"Lilly...?" I hear Dr. Webster's voice. "Lilly. Matt is in critical condition. We aren't sure how long he has. He is out of surgery and we will do anything we can to help him. I promise you that. But, you can see him now."

I smile slightly. Finally. I finally get to see him. Suddenly, I am pulled onto my feet.

"Can you walk?" Marilyn asks, concerned.

"I-I think so..." I reply. Testing each leg by leaning on them. "Yep, good as new" I say, giving her a weak smile.

I follow Dr. Webster to Matt's room. I stumble slightly, catching myself on the wall, but he doesn't seem to notice. He reaches a room with a blank door and opens it slowly, stepping back, allowing me to enter. The first thing I see is Matt. He lies there, unmoving. The only indication that he is still alive is his chest rising and falling slowly. As I get closer, I see that he is wearing a short sleeved hospital gown, exposing his scars. They look like mine, but more fresh.

I sit next to him, and Dr. Webster closes the door, leaving just Matt and I in the room. I lose it. I start bawling.

"Matt. Matt you can't leave me. I know you probably can't hear me but you can not leave me alone in this hellhole. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you here. Matt I..." My sobbing is interrupted by a loud beeping sound. But this one is different than before. It doesn't stop. It doesn't beep. I look at the monitor and see a flat line.

"MATT" I scream in horror. "MATT NO! MATT PLEASE COME BACK!" I hug him, refusing to let go as two hands try and pry me off Matt's body. "NO! YOU CAN'T LET HIM DIE! MATT DON'T LET THEM TAKE YOU AWAY!" I kick and scream as the person behind me picks me up and carries me back to my room, dropping me on the bed, and closes the door.

I need to leave. I can't stay. Not with him gone. I need to leave this place. Forever.

I open the door of the room slowly and look outside.

"Time of death..." Is all I hear from a room coming down the hall in Matt's direction. I fight back tears. He's gone. He's really gone... He can't be gone.

Before I can think of what I'm doing. I take off running towards the exit. No one is in the lobby either.

Some hospital... I think to myself.


More feels coming next time so grab your tissues😄🌚

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Broken ~ A Matthew Espinosa FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz