Chapter 2

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I look on my desk for my phone. Crap, where did it go? I look inside the desk. Nope, not there either. I turn around and see it next to my bed. I walk over to my bed and bend down to pick it up. I turned it on, no texts. Great social life you got there, Lilly. Where did you get it from? The dump? My thoughts fly back to my previous school, all the bullying, how my best friends, Georgia, Jack and Ryan, were always there for me. We were considered the odd ones of the school, and everyone would make fun of us. We would stand up for each other. I missed the days when we would be sitting at lunch, talking and laughing. Our friendship started off as the loner group, forced to sit together at lunch, but we quickly bonded over the crappy sandwiches the cafeteria dared to serve at our school.

I sit back on my bed and put my headphones in, blasting music until my eyelids started to feel heavy. My vision blurred as sleep slowly took over my body.

Broken ~ A Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now