To The Arcade

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*Connie's POV*

I wake up to my phone ringing and I just think, "Why now?". I had a rough night because my parents were giving me another lecture on being a proper lady. I finally check to see who's calling me. It's Steven. I quickly answer it and he seems very excited. He tells me about this coupon to the arcade in Beach City. I have nothing else to do today and both of my parents are at work. So I tell him I can go. He gets even more excited and tells me he'll be over really soon.

I'm so excited to see Steven! It's been a while since we've seen each other since he's been busy with all this Peridot stuff. I go upstairs and I put on my dress and my orange boots. You know, the usual. I go downstairs and grabbed a breakfast bar since I knew Steven would be here to pick me up before I knew it. I started to munch on it and right before I take my last bite, I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and I see Steven and Lion....

*Steven's POV*

I say "Hi" to Connie and she says hi back. I motion her to get on Lion and reach my hand out for her's. She gives me her hand and as I'm holding her hand, I realize how delicate and smooth it is but I get knocked out of it once I feel Lion moving. For once he actually knows where I want him to go. Within 5 minutes. We are at the arcade and we both get off of Lion. 

Once we're in the arcade, pull out two plastic snack bags filled to the brim with tokens. I hand her one of the bags and we split up and we each get loads and loads of tickets. When we were down to our last tokens, we decided to play a few games together before we went over to the prize counter. I pull out my coupon which was for a free 300 tickets. we decided we'd put all of our tickets together and then split them so we could have the same amount. Connie got a giant stuffed dog and some playing cards. I got a board game that was based off of Cookie Cat and then I got a few lollipops. I give her some lollipops before we go back outside to Lion. 

We find Lion taking a nap outside of the arcade waiting for us and we have to shake him a bit to wake him up. It takes a while but he finally wakes up. We decided not to ride Lion so we walked home. It was nice though. I got to spend a little bit more time with Connie and we got to talk more. We talked about gem stuff and what we think is going to happen in the future with Peridot, Jasper, and Lapis Lazuli. Once we're at her house, we hug goodbye, and for some reason, I don't want to let go. I'm guessing we stood there for about a minute hugging and I could tell she was awkward about it. We were interrupted by her mom pulling up in the driveway  and that's when we stopped. I say goodbye again and I start to head home. 

I asked Lion what happened there with that hug.

*Lion's POV*


Hi!!! It was a bit longer this time! Yay! I'm sorry if this is really bad. I've never written something like this before and I'm terrible at it. I promise it will get more like a romance in the next chapter though!  The next chapter is going to be skipped ahead a few years so be ready! I also hope you enjoyed Lion's POV :)

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