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*Mom brings home food* O.O
Someone said put out the new part early so here you go!!!!

About a week has passed and Steven still hasn't come out of his gem. But every night, Connie got to see Steven in a dream and every dream would end in Steven kissing Connie. Connie wakes up and picks up Steven's pillow and just hugs it. She couldn't wait to see Steven for real so she could actually kiss him, and hug him, and hear his adorable laugh again. She ran downstairs and made some scrambled eggs and ran back upstairs. She then opened her laptop and continued her morning YouTube routine while eating. When she glanced at the pillow beside her for the third time, she noticed his gem started to glow. Her eyes widened and she just stared at it. Her heart sank when the glow slowly faded away. She quickly threw on some clothes on and ran over to the temple with the pillow. She told the gems what had happened and when she was done, Steven's gem glowed again. All the gems and Connie could was just watch. They were waiting for Steven to come out of his gem but they weren't sure if he was ready yet. No one said anything and Connie set the pillow on the couch and everyone sat around it. Connie thought it would be a good idea to get Greg. The gems had told him what had happened and that Steven was definitely coming back. Connie ran as fast as she possibly could. She didn't want to miss Steven coming back if he was coming soon. Connie told Greg that Steven might be coming out of his gem and Greg's face lit up with happiness and he started to run to the temple. Connie started running too, and she passed Greg quickly into the run. When she got back to the temple, she was out of breath, and Steven was still in his gem. Connie sat back down around the pillow with the gems and watched Steven's gem glow and fade. Greg ran in about 5 minutes after Connie came in and he was out of breath too. He saw what everyone was doing and joined. Not long after everyone was settled, Greg stood up and got a bowl of cheesy puffs and set it down on the floor for everyone to share. Amethyst went for them rights away and shoved a handful in her mouth. Connie and Greg just took a couple and started to eat them.

Everyone just sat there like they were watching a boring movie just waiting for something to happen. Everyone got up at some point to do something but there was always at least one person watching. Time was passing so quickly and it was sunset before everyone knew it. Connie decided to take the pillow back to her house and go to bed.

She got on the boardwalk to walk home. When she was almost off, she was stopped by some boy and he pinned her against a wall and started to kiss her. She had dropped the pillow and was scared because she couldn't see it anymore. When he pulled away from her he said, "I've been wanting to do that a long time". Connie just stood wide eyed and scared to do anything. Connie thought the only thing she could so was kick him in the crotch since he had her wrists in his hands. So she did. That caused him to let go of her. She quickly sighted the pillow, grabbed it, and ran as fast as she could. She decided to run to the Big Doughnut. She knew Sadie would help her, but she didn't really know about Lars. It was also the closest place where she sort of knew someone.(Does anyone else ship Lars and Sadie?) She could hear the guy running behind her. He was coming fast too. Before he could catch up to her, Connie ran into the Big Doughnut shouting for Sadie. Sadie ran out of the break room with a broom, ready to attack something. She looked at Connie and relaxed. Before Sadie even said Hey, Connie starts talking really fast to tell Sadie about what is happening. Sadie knows it was serious. She could see the panic in Connie's eyes. Just then, the guy ran in. He stops and sees Connie with Sadie. He starts to run toward her but Sadie grabs Connie's hand and brings her into the break room. Sadie quickly gets out the key to the break room and locks the door. Lars was in there too. Sadie shouted through the window," Watch Connie and keep her safe. There's something weird going on." Connie looks out the window and sees Sadie get tackled by the guy. Connie decided now would be the best time to use her sword fighting skills. She grabs a spare pipe in one hand with the pillow in the other. She runs out the door and and sees Sadie and the guy fighting on the ground. "Connie! You're crazy! Get out of here!" shouts Sadie. "I'm here to help you" Connie says back. Connie breaks the guy and Sadie from each other and Connie uses her sword techniques to hit the guy and make him unconscious, but not hurt him. "Go home before he wakes up. Lars and I will take care of him". Connie nods and runs home as fast as she can. She holds the pillow as tightly as she possibly can, keeping Steven's gem safe. She ran in the door and goes to her room. She is safe at home.

She set the pillow down and runs back downstairs to tell her parents everything that had happened. Her dad gets furious and threatens to call the cops. Connie wanted wait before they did that. She needed some time to relax and cool down before she got into anything crazy. She gets ready for bed, excited to see Steven and talk to him about what just went on. She hops into bed, rests her head on the pillow and gets comfy.

*Connie's dream*

Connie is in the black void and ready for everything to change. She keeps on waiting and waiting and waiting. Nothing happens and Connie lost hope of seeing him in the dream. Out of no where, a small light appears and quickly gets bigger and brighter.


"Connie! Connie!", a voice shouted. Connie opens her eyes and sees Steven standing over her. Steven kisses her and then hugs her. "I missed you so much! It's so good to be out of my gem!' said Steven. "Oh Steven! I missed you too! I've been so excited to see you!" Connie replied. She hugs him tightly, not wanting to let go. She finally had her Steven back.

Do you guys like the drama??? :D

I Love You... (Steven x Connie)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن