Awake But Troubled

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Hey guys!!! While I've been away from Wattpad, I got some emails saying you guys commented and they boosted my confidence and inspired me to write really soon!!!  I would've started earlier but school is a pain. And I got over 100 reads!!! It seems so small to some people but that number is huge to me. I never thought that many people would read my fan fic because I have a different writing style than a lot of other people. I remembered that I wanted to say that I write with not a whole lot of detail because I want people to imagine what's going on, just like I'm narrator for this story. Like in my head, I'm imagining what I'm writing so I think it sounds wonderful and creative. But then when I read it over, I'm like, what did I just write??? I hope you peeps know what I mean. Also I ordered a Steven Universe shirt( his pink shirt with the star) and I freaking love it!!! When I got it, I squealed because I was so excited. I've never been more happy to receive a shirt :D And please please please read another note I'm going to write at the bottom! It's important and I think you'll like it :)

My little rant is over! Enjoy the story!!!

Greg went out of the room to head down to the cafeteria. He needed to try and calm down after what's happened. He knew Steven would be OK and that nothing exciting would happen when he was gone. That left Connie sitting in the room with Steven. She just kept on staring and thinking about what would happen between them if his gem stuff got more serious. If stuff like what had just happened kept happening and she wasn't able to protect him. She tried to use her skills Pearl taught her but she couldn't help. Connie felt terrible about what happened and she believed it was her fault that Steven was hurt like this. She started to tear up until Garnet walked in. Connie turned around and wiped her eyes as she said Hi to Garnet. Garnet says she shouldn't worry about what happened. She had used her future vision before she came in the room. Garnet told Connie that this was the best outcome that could've happened so everything will be fine. This comforted Connie but she still believed it was all her fault. And Garnet had said that this was the best outcome. What would've happened if  it was the worst outcome? Connie's focused was cut again when Pearl and Amethyst walked in the room. Everyone except for Greg was sitting in the room beside Steven's bed looking at the unconscious gem. The silence was interrupted when Connie got a call from her parents. She had to be home. She told the gems to update her if something happened. The gems left soon too but Greg came in before they did. He brought up a cookie from the cafeteria to eat later when he gets hungry. He soon got tired and he was falling asleep and tried to resist it. He gave up trying to fight it and walked down to his van. That left Steven alone in the room.

*Steven's Dream*

Steven heard voices through his unconsciousness and he wished he could see everyone but his body wouldn't let him. He then saw a pink light. He didn't understand what he saw until he saw a woman. She seemed to be walking towards him and as she walked to him, he saw that it was his mother. She was so beautiful. Her long and curly pink hair, and her being so graceful and well, tall. (I'm sorry, interruption but I'm listening to Pentatonix right now and it's very hard to focus. I've spent about 20 minutes just on the first part of Steven's dream XD. "Bad Mitches like me is hard to come by"... You have to be a PTX fan to get that.) She told Steven that something bad was coming and he needed to get everyone to get out of the area except for the gems. They especially had to Connie out of there, the thing was coming for Connie. It knew she was Steven's weakness and they wanted to get her to take advantage of him. She then told him goodbye and that she loved him. That was the last he saw of his mother.


Steven woke up to a white ceiling and he turned his head and saw a doctor next to him. He struggled and squirmed until he understood what was going on. He made it urgent to the doctor that he called the gems. He told them about seeing his mother again, and actually hearing her voice, and then he told them about what his mom told him. He then called Connie and told her the same thing, but he left out her leaving too because he knew she wouldn't be happy with it and she would refuse to leave at the time. The next day while the gems told everyone to evacuate and get out of the city because something bigger than before was going to happen. While that was happening, Connie and Greg were checking Steven out of the hospital so he could go home and recover before the "thing" happened. When he got checked out, Greg drove Steven and Connie back to the temple and dropped them off. But Steven had  a plan to get Connie to leave so she could be safe. He was going to spend as much as he possibly could with her and make her tired. Once she fell asleep at the temple, he would call her parents to come pick her up with all their stuff packed so they could leave without her resisting and fighting back. He hated doing that to Connie but he loved her too much to see her get hurt. They went to a carnival, walked down the boardwalk, went to the movies, and then came back to the temple. While they were settling down, Greg came over and said goodbye to Steven. Greg was worried, if something bigger than Peridot and Jasper were coming, the gems were going to be in big trouble, even though Steven's powers grew stronger. Steven hugged his father one last time and Greg got in the van. Steven stayed outside until he couldn't see his dad's can anymore. After Greg left, Steven and Connie laid down on the bed and to pass the time and to get Connie to sleep, he put on Dogcopter. She was asleep within 15 minutes. He then called her parents to come pick her up. When he saw them pull up, he picked her up to carry her outside. Before he went outside, he gave her one last kiss. It may be a while until they see each other so he kissed her like it will be the last kiss they will ever share. He then brought her outside and set her in the car. Her family drove off with their packed car and started their journey to a safer place. Steven was heartbroken but he had to do it.

Hey! I hope you guys like it!!! I made it super long because I kept on coming up with ideas! I spent about 2  and a half hours on it but I had distractions. But guess what??? I'm making another chapter and posting it within the next two days!!! My life will be getting busy soon and I'd rather publish a chapter early instead of late! And I have another surprise. I'm actually running out of ideas since I used a lot in this chapter and I need your help. I know whats going to happen in the next chapter but in the next chapter, I will ask for ideas so start thinking of some! I will pick my favorites and put them in the story. I'll give you credit too!!! Please submit more than one!!! 

And also if you don't know who Pentatonix are and you want to know, I recommend their Evolution of Music video on YouTube. Then watch their Thrift Shop cover, that's my favorite.

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