What More?

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I'm back everyone!!! I'm feeling a lot better! I'm sorry it took a long time!

Connie fell asleep after looking at the stars. Steven picked her up bride style and carried her back to the temple and set her on his bed. Then he went back up on the hill and grabbed everything from before. As he was walking back down the hill, he felt a slight breeze behind him. He turned around and saw nothing there. When he turned again to walk to the temple, a man dressed in all black was standing there, with a scarf covering his entire face except his eyes. Steven stopped everything and got into a fighting stance. The man spoke, in a low raspy voice, " You're more powerful than you think. Come with me, and I'll help you discover it." Steven doesn't say anything. Not trusting the man, Steven runs towards the mysterious man to throw a punch at him. When he supposedly hits the man, he turns into smoke, confusing Steven. As Steven starts to run back to the temple, he faints.

Steven wakes up next to Connie, still sleeping. He sits up and notices he's on the hill. "Was it a dream? It felt so real," he thought. He woke up Connie and they walked back to the temple. When they got back, they saw the clock in the kitchen say 3:54. "Wanna watch a movie? I'm not really tired." Steven asked. "Sure! What do you want to watch?" They decide after a few minutes and turn on the movie. Steven watched, trying to get his mind off of his "dream." He kept thinking about the first one too. He thought about the voice be heard. The voice from the cloud was the same he heard from the mysterious man. Steven's thinking gets interrupted when Garnet walks out of her room, looking like she was going to leave the temple. Steven stops her and tells her about his new dream. Garnet acts calm but Steven noticed she is clenching her fists. "Excuse me Steven," she says walking towards the warp pad. "Where are you going?" Steven asked. " Without saying anything, she warps out of the temple.

It's now morning and Steven is making breakfast. As he is cooking, he worries, thinking about what could happen. His thoughts were interrupted again by Connie coming up behind him and putting her hand on his shoulder. He turns to her and cheerfully says "Good Morning!" He gives her a quick kiss and returns to cooking, trying to hide his stress. After they eat breakfast, Connie leaves to go back home.

Hello! Sorry this one is shorter than usual. I'm having a hard time coming up with stuff and I don't want to keep you guys waiting.

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