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I'm sorry this is coming out late! I have no excuse. I'll admit, I was feeling lazy. I'm finally back home from my trip and all I've done it watch YouTube videos XD

The Cluster! There's something big about to happen in the show and I'm ready for the feels. Can I just say that the past few S.U. episodes have so adorable. Peridot is so tiny and adorable! She is actually trusting Steven and warming up to the Crystal Gems! I'm so excited for the next episode! I'll have to wait because I'm going on ANOTHER trip the day it comes out. I just wanna be home!

Steven Bomb- Day 7(Last Day)

"Explain what happened and what you saw." Garnet ordered. "Well, as you all know, we were attacked by a creature. It brought the gems to the cave, but it kept me. It walked out of the cave, then it walked through a waterfall. When we got to the other side, I only saw dark creatures and evil. Then it brought me into a huge castle and took me into a big room. It set me down and a dark purple cloud started swirling around us. After a while, the cloud came towards me and I was no longer in control. I could see everything but some force controlled everything I did." Steven explained.

"This is very strange. I've never heard of such a thing. Gems can't be possessed but since he's half human, he can. With his powers, he could be incredibly dangerous if possessed again." Pearl commented. "We need to find this waterfall and go through it. If there is a new danger, we need to stop it," Garnet said. "Yea, but how are we going to find it when there's a chance of Stee-man getting possessed again?" Amethyst asked. "Let's just go! After all, *Steven smirks* Connie knows how to get me to stop being possessed," Steven said. Everyone looks at Connie and she blushes, feeling embarrassed.

Everyone warps back to where they were. Everyone follows Pearl and Connie to the cave since they know how to get there. "Do remember how to get to the waterfall from here Steven?" Connie asks. "Sort of. I'll try my best, but I might get off track a couple times." Steven answers. 

After some confusion, they finally make it through the waterfall. They all walk through it and they are transported to the land of evil. Steven leads everyone to the castle, in hopes to find the creature. They search everywhere they can while being safe. No one found the creature so they exit the world. When they do, right in front of the waterfall, is the creature. For the first time, the creature makes a sound. It makes a horrible and loud shriek. While its mouth was open to make noise, Connie notices a gem in its mouth. Much like the centipeedle. Connie informs everyone about what she discovered. Amethyst wraps her whip around the creature and pulls on her whip, making the creature fall. Everyone else takes the opportunity to get rid of the creature. They do enough damage and it poofs. Then Garnet bubbles it and sends it back to the temple. 

"We need to make sure nothing else can get in or out of that portal." Garnet says. She then walks back very far and summons her gauntlets. She starts running and gets to full speed in no time. She jumps up and hits the rocks that the waterfall flows on. Everything comes crashing down. "The water is still flowing so we need to make a dam." Garnet says. Everyone climbs up the rocks and gets to work and they are soon done. "Hopefully this works," Pearl says as she sets down the last rock.

Everyone warps back to the temple with relief. Everyone goes on as if it was a normal day. "Want me to get Lion and take you home?" Steven asks Connie. "Sure. My parents are probably wondering where I am." Connie replied.

Steven lifts up Connie onto Lion and then he hops up. "To Connie's house." Steven commands. Lion makes a portal and they are there in an instant. "Thanks for the ride," Connie says. She gets off Lion and goes inside her house.

*Back to the temple at night*

Steven brushes his teeth and lays down on his bed. He stares out the window, staring at the stars, thinking about what had happened earlier in the day. He soon fell asleep.

*Steven's dream*

Steven is floating in a black space. Then a dark purple cloud starts to form and swirls around him. He then hears it talking. It says "You think this is over? This is only the beginning. You are no match for the power here is the darkness dimension,"

*Normal World*

Steven sits straight up after his dream ended. His heart is pounding from what he just heard and saw. His mind keeps repeating what the voice said. The thing that scared Steven the most was, "This is only the beginning."

Hope you enjoyed! This is the last chapter of my Steven Bomb. Time for me to take a break from writing.

I Love You... (Steven x Connie)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant