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If you haven't read my other Steven Bomb chapter(entitled Him and Reunited), go read them. Something weird has been going on with wattpad

In case some people don't know- Cannon: A ship that comes true- Sink: A ship that no longer can happen or the person does not have any more interest in a ship. These were my definitions.

I have gone through a lot of feels lately. I have had a ship sink and a ship cannon in the same day. My ship that sank was Dipcifica(Dipper x Pacifica from Gravity Falls)*Spoiler if you haven't watched the episode* Candy said she had a crush on Dipper and I was happy and sad at the same time. I screamed so loud and it was good no one was home at the time. I'm not sure if my ship switches to Candip because I wasn't sure if at the end of the episode Dipper eventually returned the feelings or if they are going to stay friends.

My next ship is on YouTube(Any Aphmau fans out there?)I thought the ship was going to sink but it ended up being a cannon *Do not read this if you don't watch minecraft diaries or if you haven't seen minecraft diaries episode 100* Garroth(The guy of the ship) saw a hallucination of Aphmau(The girl of the ship) and Laurence(A guy who Garroth knows likes Aphmau)kissing and he was hurt.He doesn't tell anyone about what he saw so when he brings it up for the first time, everyone is confused. He gets jealous and turns evil and also teams up with his evil brother. He realizes he's being dumb with advice from Laurence and he turns on his brother and tells Aphmau he loves her and that's where the episode ends and that was in the season finale and I don't know when the season is going to start up again

I'm sorry, I had to fan girl and get it out of my system

Story time!

Steven pulls the guy away and throws him on the ground. He tells Connie to go home. She runs out of there quickly and Steven unleashes his rage. Steven punches the guy in the face until he's unconscious and Steven runs to Connie's house.

Steven runs into Connie's house and she's sitting with her parents. When Connie sees Steven, she runs to him and hugs him. Steven felt her shaking while they hugged. He knew she was scared. "Do you want me to spend the night here?" Steven says. Connie nodded and walked upstairs to get ready for bed. Mr. and Mrs. Maheswaran walked upstairs to their room and got ready for bed too. Steven took off his suit jacket, his tie, and his shoes. When he got done, Connie walked downstairs in a coral tank top and aquamarine pajama pants(I have a weird sense of style. Don't judge). She sits down on the couch and motion Steven to sit down next to her. "That guy, he kissed me while you were still in your gem. I assume he got mad when he saw me with you,". Connie says. Steven's face turned from confusion to anger. "He won't get away with what he did next time I see him." Steven angrily commented. "Don't get too worked up. We don't want to get in trouble." says Connie. She gets up to get Steven a blanket and gives him a kiss on the cheek before she walks up to bed. Steven lays down on the couch and falls asleep.

Steven wakes up and thought he should leave since Connie should be OK. He walks up to her room and knocks on the door. "Come in." Connie says. Steven walks in and Connie is still in her bed under the sheets. He sits down at the edge of the bed. He tells her he's going to leave soon but he'll see her soon. He walks out of the house and goes home. He changes into his usual outfits but wore a star tank top instead. The crystal gems walk in and ask where Steven was. Steven told them everything that happened. Garnet told Steven if he has any more trouble with the guy, tell her. She'll kick his butt for Steven. Steven smiles at Garnet to say thank you. Steven texts Connie to ask if she wants to come over and hang out again. She texts back saying she'll be over soon. Pearl cleans up a mess that Amethyst made and tells Steven that the gems need to go on a mission and that they'll be gone for a few days. They all go on the warp pad and leave. Not long after the gems leave, Connie walks in. Steven asks if she wants to just watch a movie and relax. Connie says sure. They watch movies until they both fall asleep.

Steven wakes up and Connie is still asleep. He puts his arm around her (like Lars did to Sadie in the Island Adventure episode) and pulls her closer to him. Steven then falls back asleep.

Connie wakes up and feels something around her. She turns her head and sees that Steven is hugging her. She twists around and gives Steven a kiss. He wakes up but doesn't open his eyes. "Good morning sleepyhead." Connie says sweetly. Steven takes his arm off Connie and stretches, then sits up. "You want a doughnut?" Steven asks. "Sure." Connie replies. Steven gets up slowly and walks out the door towards the Big Doughnut. Steven asks Sadie for two glazed doughnuts, pays, and goes back to the temple. When Steven walks back into the temple, Connie is cooking some scrambled eggs. "I figured we needed a little protein instead of sugar." Connie cheerfully said. Steven grabs a couple of plates out of the cupboard and puts the donuts on the plates. Connie finishes cooking and put the eggs on the plates. They talk to each other while they have breakfast, enjoying each other's company.

Hope you guys enjoyed that! I have a question for you all though. How is it possible that I'm sick again? I am very careful when it comes to germs, but I'm not extreme with it. Which is actually good for your immune system. I don't get how I get sick every month though. Science, explain this to me plz

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