Will He Be Ok?

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Hey!!! I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't posted in a long time. School has been really busy and I needed some time to visit with some friends I haven't seen in a while (And I went to the Kelly Clarkson/ Pentatonix concert, but I only went to see PTX) I'll try to post a chapter every week and if I don't, I have to make the next chapter longer than usual. Deal? :) Happy Reading

They are in homeworld. Everything is so confusing to Connie. Homeworld has so much technology like Peridot said. There is a giant castle type building that's pretty far and Yellow Diamond starts to walk towards it. When they get there, the castle is double the height of Yellow Diamond and many other gems are walking around that look like little bugs from the higher view. Yellow Diamond walks down a staircase to a very dark area and Connie soon sees that it's a prison. It's super high tech with those walls that shock you when Steven was younger and first battled homeworld gems. What Yellow Diamond didn't know is that Steven could get out of the cell since he was half human. The still unconscious Steven was thrown into a big cell and when he was thrown in, Connie noticed that his gem was broken. She knew things wouldn't be good if they didn't leave homeworld soon. Connie was put in another cell far from Steven's and Yellow Diamond left her. Connie touched the force field to keep her in but she hopped through since the field only affected gems. She to remember how to get back to Steven but she wandered the jail for a long time and still couldn't find him. She was going to give up until she saw some curly brown hair moving around. She ran over and Steven was awake but badly injured and his broken gem made things even worse. Connie walked through the force field to talk to him and make sure he was OK. He had a black eyes, bruises, and dried blood from a bloody nose. Connie then heard giant footsteps and hid. She knew it was Yellow Diamond and she was right. Yellow Diamond unlocked the cell and picked up Steven. (I'm going to use YD again) YD took Steven to a special room and Connie followed. YD then asked Steven questions since all the homeworld gems thought he was Rose in disguise. He tried to tell her that he wasn't rose but she didn't believe him. YD threw him which injured his gem even more. Connie just couldn't watch Steven die so she had to step in. "You leave him alone. He's done nothing to you!", Connie said to YD. YD replied, "How did you get out? The force field keeps everything out,". "Everything except humans," Connie said. YD's attention was now fixed on Connie and Steven told YD not to hurt Connie. YD grabbed Connie and held her high. "Don't think to HIGHLY of yourself," said the gigantic gem,"pretty soon, your self esteem will soon DROP!" "Stop!" shouted Steven. " If you bring her back to earth, I will cooperate to the best of my abilities," said Steven. "Sounds like a deal, Rose. I'll bring her back to earth, but you must stay here. Forever," YD said confidently. "Deal". "Steven, No!" said Connie. "Shut up human," said YD, "Get ready to go home." Connie was put in an escape pod and the coordinates were set for earth in Beach City. YD got what she wanted. She got Steven and her plan worked. She used Connie to get Steven to cooperate. As Connie is heading home, she looks out the escape pod window and bangs on it so she won't have to leave Steven. She realizes it's too late when she doesn't see homeworld anymore. As she gets closer to earth, she sees Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl on beach. Everyone is panicking, especially Pearl. They look up and see the escape pod and take out their weapons because anything could be their enemy. When Connie got out, they put away their weapons and flooded her with question such as "Where's Steven?", "What happened to him?", "How many gems were there?", and "How advanced is the technology?". All Connie said was that YD thinks Steven is Rose and that she was throwing him around to get him to talk about what the gems were doing on earth. She also told them that his gem is cracked and that she interfered and Steven made a deal with YD. The gems and Connie got on Lion and Lion made a portal to homeworld, right next to where YD was talking to Steven. She was asking him if they had any armies or special forces for battle. He was too weak to answer so he was continually being hit against the walls of the room. The gems quickly fused again but they did it quietly. Alexandrite had to wait for when YD was at her most vulnerable moment to take her down but they had to do it before she completely cracked Steven's gem. Alexandrite's weapon was a bow and arrow, much like Opal's, but the tip of the arrow was a gauntlet, to do massive damage. Steven's gem was almost broken and just one more hit could completely kill him. Alexandrite had to shoot now of he would be killed. She got the arrow and ready and as YD lifted up her arm, she turned her back towards Alexandrite and Alexandrite too the shot and the arrow hit the crack the previous battle made. The gem was so damaged, YD retreated to her gem. It was over. YD was defeated. Connie rushed over to Steven while the gems destroyed YD's gem to make sure she would never ever come back. Connie was trying to get Steven to talk to her but he was completely out of it. Anything done to him to hurt him, would've ended him so they had to get him home ASAP. Lion took Connie and Steven home and then returned to help the gems. They were on a mission to completely wipe out the homeworld gems. Without any of them knowing, every single homeworld retreated to their gem and they were bubbled, but they didn't deserve to be destroyed. Then Lion transported the gems back to Beach City. Everyone was back home and safe. But Steven wasn't doing to well.

Heyyy!!! I hope you guys like this chapter! I read a fanfiction from another one of my fave show and got some inspiration for this story so that will be coming up soon! When I publish this chapter and will get to work on the next chapter. It's midnight right and I'm not really tired and I have nothing to do. So why not work on this? I was almost gone for 2 weeks anyways. If you get any ideas, comment them! I don't need them but if you think of something, let me know ;)

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