Is he coming back???

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Hello! :) My brain is fried from being at school and it's midnight so I'm not going to make a big intro. 

Connie held Steven in her arms and kissed him on the cheek. The only thing anyone could do would be to bring Steven to Rose's garden with her fountain of tears. Everyone came to the fountain and Garnet was carrying Steven. She was crying. She couldn't bear to see him die and she was scared to use her future vision. She put him the fountain, but only his gem was fixed. He was able to walk and talk again but he was still very weak. He looked up at everyone and said "Goodbye everyone. See you in a while", and then he disappeared in his gem to heal. Connie picked up the gem and hugged it. Pearl then started to panic. She explained to everyone that since Steven was half human, he might not be able to regenerate. This made Connie burst into tears. She couldn't bear to see her only friend, now her boyfriend leave her. He made her feel like she was a princess. She wanted to be with him forever and it might not happen now. Everyone warped back to the temple and everyone was quiet. Connie broke the silence by asking if she could bring Steven back to her house to take care of him. The gems looked at each other and they all had the same idea. Connie was responsible and there shouldn't be anymore danger so they said she could take Steven to her house. 

When she got to her house, Connie cleared the top of one of her dressers and put Steven on a pillow and put that on the dresser she cleared. She got ready for bed, but she knew she wasn't going to sleep. When she was all ready, she grabbed the pillow, went to her bed, and held Steven tightly, making sure he wouldn't leave her and that he was safe. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

It's short but you get 2 chapters in 2 days!!! You all are lucky ;) I'm gonna get ready for bed now.

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