Chapter 1

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Eridan Ampora and Sollux Captor had been enjoying a standard, nothing-out- of – the- ordinary, love-making session when it happened. Sollux had been so caught up in the heat of the moment he misjudged his impending climax time and accidentally released his genetic material into his matesprit instead of the bucket he had placed next to the concupiscent couch. Eridan's think pan was also clouded over due to the couple's current activity and the unfamiliar feeling of the yellow blood's material suddenly gushing into him sent him over the edge as well. Sollux's lap was suddenly covered in sticky violet fluid. The hacker let out a groan as he collapsed in a sweaty mess onto the sea dweller's cool chest and Eridan hissed as he felt the two warm bulges leave his nook to return to their sheath.

As the two lay tangled together sharing light kisses, Eridan finally spoke. "So that was fuckin' weird," he said with a slight laugh while threading his fingers through the other troll's damp hair.

"Thorry," Sollux mumbled groggily into Eridan's shoulder.

"You'd better not be fallin' asleep," Eridan threatened. "We still have to clean this shit up." Sollux let out a noise of protest before the high blood shoved him off the couch. Landing on the floor definitely made him feel more awake and he sat up glaring at the grinning troll on the couch.

"Fuck you ED," Sollux said but the insult was light hearted. The pair had actually started off as well known kismesises a few sweeps ago but eventually made the transition to matesprits once they realized their insults no longer held any venom and their scratches were more like caresses. Neither had wanted to hear what all of their peers would say about the switch so they decided to just make it seem as though they had broken up altogether and keep their actual relationship a secret.

"Uh, Sol?" Eridan asked hesitantly as he sat up on the couch. "None of your material is on the couch." He sounded a bit worried. Sollux immediately stood up to see what Eridan was talking about. His red and blue eyes studied the area critically. Not one drop of yellow was visible there was only violet.

"How ith that pothible? I blew my load all over you," Sollux asked in confusion.

"More like in me," Eridan countered. Sollux seemed to consider that for a moment before reaching down and grabbing Eridan's thighs, wrenching them apart. "What the fuck are you doin'?" the sea troll demanded. Sollux ignored his matesprit's protests and carefully inspected the violet blood's nook. There was a small trail of yellow leaking out from the entrance but that was all Sollux could see. There should definitely be more than that.

"It theemth like all my material thtayed inthide you," Sollux deducted. The two looked at each other for a moment before deciding to just not think too much about it. For the next month they didn't think about it at all. They continued their lives like normal until one night Eridan was forced to reexamine that night's events.

Sollux had gone to Karkat's hive to play video games so Eridan decided he would take a trip to the library for some new reading material. He had been feeling a bit ill all evening but had decided that it was probably just indigestion. While he had been in the ablution trap washing up he could've sworn that his stomach looked a bit fuller than usual. Of course he decided that this was just bloating that went along with the indigestion. He was thrown for a loop while he was getting dressed and he found that his pants nearly wouldn't fasten. Now that he thought about it they had been feeling a bit tighter the last week.

He searched his closet for a pair of looser fitting pants and finally came up with a pair that he had never actually worn because he had accidentally gotten the wrong size when he bought them and had been too lazy to return them. When they seemed to fit perfectly he panicked a little bit. "Great, now I'm getting' fuckin' fat," he muttered harshly, mentally making a note to start going to the gym.

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