Chapter 6

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Sollux knocked on the door to the hive and the two trolls waited in ominous silence. Eridan fidgeted with the hem of the cape he wore strategically draped over the left side of his body. Kanaya had advised him on exactly what to wear in order to best conceal his pregnant stomach. The stretchy waistband of his pants was covered by his somewhat loose fitting shirt which had another shirt layered underneath. The entire ensemble was completed with the royal purple cape worn to the side like a great conqueror would wear for his portrait. Layers, Kanaya had told him, were the key.

In the last moments before anyone came to the door to greet them, Sollux reached out and grabbed Eridan's hand to give it a final squeeze. Eridan could hear the deep inhale and exhale from his matesprit as he attempted to mentally prepare himself for the next few hours. It was going to be difficult for the yellow blood to not only have no physical contact with the sea dweller but also have to try his best to act like he wanted nothing to do with him. Eridan gave Sollux's hand a squeeze back and the two released their hold on each other right before the door finally swung open to reveal their short, stubby horned friend. Karkat seemed t notice Sollux first.

"It's about fucking time you showed up," the Cancer complained before realizing that Sollux wasn't alone. He turned his attention to the high blood and narrowed his eyes. "You smell really fucking weird."

Both Sollux and Eridan began to panic but luckily Eridan was able to think up a decent response. "Oh thanks Kar, it's nice to see you too," he replied sarcastically.

"Did you two come together?" the Cancer asked in confusion.

"Fuck no," Sollux said. "We jutht ended up on the thame public four wheel tranthportation devithe." He feigned disgust at having to be anywhere near the violet blood.

"Oh," was all Karkat replied, seemingly already bored with the subject. "Well get in here." Karkat stepped back and opened the door wider for his two guests to enter. "Everyone else is already here."

As soon as they stepped inside Sollux noticed Aradia waving to him and made his way over to her. Eridan was unsure of what to do without Sollux's presence nearby so he made his way over to the refreshment table. He really had developed quite a thirst recently due to the growing eggs.

Eridan stood by the table anxiously sipping his drink. He really hoped his layers of clothing hid his stomach well enough. He made eye contact with Kanaya from across the room and she made her way over to him.

"Are you well, Eridan?" she inquired with a bit of concern.

"What if they can see it? What if they know? Kar already mentioned somethin' to me about my scent bein' off," Eridan rambled. Kanaya patted his shoulder for comfort.

"Relax. I am certain they will not see. If I did not already know I would not be able to tell. The layers really worked out nicely," the jade blood assured him.

"Thanks, Kan," Eridan sighed. The two chatted about various things for a little while until Feferi approached them.

"Hey you guys!" she greeted happily. "It's so great that we were all able to get together like this."

"Yes it is a rare treat to see everyone gathered together for one occasion," Kanaya agreed. Suddenly Feferi looked slightly confused and she blinked her large fuchsia eyes a few times.

"What is that strange smell?" she asked in wonder. Eridan froze up and glanced at Kanaya for help.

"I am not certain that I smell anything," Kanaya lied smoothly. Feferi leaned forward and sniffed at the air.

"It smells like it is coming from you Eridan!" she said in surprise.

"Me?" he asked as calmly as possible.

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