Chapter 5

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A month after Eridan had told Sollux that he was expecting the two found themselves comfortably enjoying each other's company on the couch. Sollux was busy working on a code he had been commissioned to do while Eridan was dozing off with his head resting in his matesprit's lap.

The sea troll's pregnant condition was now much more difficult to conceal. Most of his shirts were too tight over his protruding belly and the only pants that would fit him were a pair of old worn out baggy sweatpants from Sollux's closet. Needless to say, the violet blood hadn't been making many trips outside of the hive lately. Not that Sollux probably would have let him. Lately the psionic seemed reluctant to be away from the high blood for extended periods of time. This was why even though he was coding, an activity he preferred to do in solitude, he had requested that Eridan quietly sit with him on the couch while he worked.

Sollux's full concentration was on the letters and numbers scrolling through his mind and in his haste to type them all out into his husktop he didn't notice the Trollian video call that popped up on his screen until it was too late and he had accidentally answered it.

"Hey Sollux!" Aradia's melodic voice greeted him.

"Shit!" the yellow blood hissed once he realized his mistake. To make matters worse, it wasn't just his moirail on the video call. Nepeta was present as well. Eridan was startled out of his light sleep by the sudden noises.

"Wha-," he tried to ask but felt Sollux's hand clamp down over his mouth. He leaned his head back a bit, careful of his horns, to get a better view of the husktop that rested on the low blood's other leg that he wasn't occupying. One wrong move and he would be visible on the camera.

"Sollux!" Nepeta called out excitedly.

"We need you to settle this little debate we are having," Aradia explained.

"What kind of debate?" Sollux tried not to sound freaked out and released his hold over Eridan's mouth.

"A shipping debate of course!" Nepeta answered enthusiastically.

"What?" Sollux deadpanned.

"Nepeta seems to think that you and Feferi are red for each other but I told her that I disagree because as your moirail I have not heard you mention anything of the sort during our feelings jams," Aradia said.

"Why doeth it even matter?" Sollux asked in frustration as he carefully shifted his body more towards the corner of the couch. Eridan didn't move until Sollux had settled himself against the corner of the cushions and the back of the laptop was facing him. The Aquarius pushed himself up into a sitting position then rose from the couch with some difficulty, his hand automatically going to his swollen stomach. Sollux shot him a questioning look as the two girls giggled about something on the video call. Eridan just mouthed the words 'ablution block' before disappearing down the hall.

"Alternia to Sollux," Aradia teased, pulling the Gemini's attention back to the computer screen. "You kind of spaced out there." Sollux scowled at the loss of Eridan's presence and the interruption of his work.

"You two theriouthly video called me to athk who I have the hoth for? Sure! Let'th have an in depth dithcussion about my quadranth, it'th not like I wath buthy doing anything!" the psionic replied sarcastically.

"Aw, don't be so grumpy, Sollux!" Nepeta cooed. "We were just purrious, as your furriends." Sollux sighed and glanced down the hall where Eridan had disappeared. He should have been out of the ablution block by now. He must've decided it would be best for him to stay out of the living room for now. Sure enough, not too long after Sollux looked back at his computer screen a message box popped up in the bottom corner announcing that caligulasAquarium was now online. At least now he knew where the sea troll was. If he had just logged on that could only mean he was at his desk in the office down the hall.

One Plus One Equals Three (Erisol fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang