Chapter 2

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Eridan's keys jangled noisily as he let himself inside the hive and made his way to the coffee table to set his books down. He could easily pick up on the sound of Sollux typing away on his keyboard from the room the two used as an office down the hall.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Sollux called to him without missing a beat in his typing and clicking. Eridan was about to respond when he felt another wave of bile rise to his throat. This was just not his night. With his mouth clamped shut he rushed to the nearest receptacle he could think of which happened to be the meal block sink. As his stomach attempted to empty more of its contents he heard Sollux ask, "ED?" The typing had stopped. Even while the violet blood was gasping over the sink with a trail of spit hanging from his mouth he was figuring that Sollux had to have been playing a game rather than working on coding. Had the yellow blooded troll been coding he wouldn't have even noticed Eridan getting home at all.

Just as the sea troll felt that he had finished being sick for the time being he heard light footsteps approaching. "Eridan?" Sollux asked with concern lacing his voice. Eridan turned his head away from the sink slightly, with a mess of saliva still around his mouth, to see his matesprit standing at the thresh hold of the meal block looking quite startled.

"Oh shit!" Sollux exclaimed when he noticed what a mess the other troll was. He hurried to grab a clean dishrag and bring it over to where Eridan stood hunched over the sink. After running the rag under the water he began gently wiping away the mess around the high blood's lips. "What'th wrong?" he asked softly.

"Just not feelin' so hot tonight," Eridan groaned.

"Do I need to take you to a doctor?" Sollux asked getting worried.

"No!" Eridan couldn't help his knee jerk response. He realized how panicked he may have sounded by the slight upturn of the eyebrows Sollux gave him. "I mean, no we don't need to do that. It's probably just somethin' I ate. I'm sure I should feel better tomorrow," he lied. He knew he needed to tell Sollux the truth but the words just wouldn't come to him. The yellow blood seemed to accept his story.

"Well let'th at leatht get you into the 'coon. You should probably retht you look like shit," Sollux told him rather bluntly. Eridan was too exhausted to fight back and, if he was being honest with himself, he probably did look like shit. He let his matesprit press his hand lightly to the small of his back and guide him to the respite block.

He attempted to cover his front as much as possible while he stripped and climbed into the recuperacoon. Once he was fully submerged in the slime Sollux leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead. Eridan could've sworn he felt the Gemini inhale deeply as his lips made contact with his skin. Sollux pulled away from him slowly and gazed at him intensely with his heterochromatic eyes. The violet blood looked back at him uncertainly and under the thick slime his hands gravitated to rest on the definitely there small bump of his lower stomach. The intensity remained in Sollux's eyes as he leaned towards Eridan again, this time planting a soft kiss on the sea troll's neck just below his gills. Eridan was certain that he heard the other troll inhale deeply against his neck. A shiver ran down the high blood's spine. Sollux locked eyes with his matesprit for a moment once he had pulled away from the other's neck.

"I'm, uh, jutht going to finish thith campaign with KK then I'll come to the 'coon," the yellow blood said sounding as though he was not entirely sure why he was behaving in such a way.

"Alright," Eridan replied before working on getting into a cozy position to sleep in. Sollux left the room, turning the light off as he went leaving Eridan in the dark to sleep. As the violet blood began drifting off to sleep he thought, 'Tomorrow. I'll tell him tomorrow. I just found out today anyway so what harm could one more day do?'

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