Chapter 3

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When Eridan arrived at Kanaya's hive he could no longer hold himself together and the jade blood ended up opening the door to a sobbing mess. The Virgo had been unsure of what to expect when she received the sudden text from her pregnant friend but she was certainly surprised to see him in such a state. "Oh my!" she exclaimed before taking his arm and leading him inside her hive.

"What happened, Eridan?" Kanaya asked calmly once she had situated the hysterical troll on the couch.

"I can't do it!" Eridan blubbered. His face was all wet from his tears and his eyes were all puffy. Kanaya had to admit this was not the sea troll's most flattering moment. "I can't tell him!" he cried.

"Just calm down. Take deep breaths," Kanaya soothed as she rubbed her hand in circles on the other troll's shuddering back. The sea troll made no attempt to calm down nor did he take deep breaths.

"If I tell him he'll probably just leave me!" he shouted as he continued sobbing. "He doesn't want the responsibility so he'll just leave so he won't have to deal with it!" Eridan looked at Kanaya with the most agonizing look of despair written on his face. "I don't want to do this alone," he pleaded. Kanaya removed her hand from his back and grabbed his face. With her hands on his cheeks she turned his head to face her straight on and looked him dead in the eye.

"Eridan, I am more than willing to help you," she said evenly, "but you have got to pull yourself together right now. Do you understand me?" She kept her eyes locked on his. The Aquarius gulped and nodded as best as he could with his face sandwiched between Kanaya's hands. She let go of his face and adjusted her skirt as she got more comfortable in her position on the couch. "Now, tell me what is wrong," she prompted calmly. Eridan finally took that deep breath.

"I was going to tell him, my matesprit, about me bein' pregnant," he explained. "But right as I was about to bring it up he starts goin' off about how shitty it was takin' care 'a his lusus when he was younger an' how he hates responsibility an' shit." Tears began welling up in the sea dweller's eyes once again. "So now what am I supposed to do? 'Oh hey, I know you just said you don't want extra responsibility but in a few months I'm goin' to be layin' eggs an' they're yours.'" He sniffled for a moment. "What do you think he's gonna do, Kan?" Eridan asked bitterly. The jade blood sighed and rubbed her temples for a moment.

"Before I begin with what I have to say on the matter let me get you some tea. You have been crying so much we would not want for you to get dehydrated." Kanaya went over to her dining table where a full spread of tea and finger foods were laid out. It seemed odd at first then Eridan noticed that it looked like two tea cups were used.

"Do you have company?" he asked nervously. Kanaya quirked an eyebrow at him as she returned to the couch holding a fancy porcelain tea cup on a saucer.

"Oh. No," she handed the hot beverage to the male troll before resuming her place on the couch. "I had Nepeta over for some tea before you texted me. I thought it would be best if she were no longer here when you arrived so I wrapped up our visit," she explained. Eridan sighed.

"Great, now I'm fuckin' up other peoples' lives too. I'm sorry I wrecked your tea party," he apologized sadly. Kanaya waved her hand dismissively.

"Do not be ridiculous you did not ruin anything. Nepeta had already been over for a few hours. It was about time for her to go home anyways." She sat up attentively as Eridan took slow sips of his tea. "Now, as for the issue at hand," she began almost business-like. "I do not know who your matesprit is so I cannot be certain whether I know him personally or not, therefore I cannot accurately tell you what I do or do not think he will do. I am sure that when you are ready you will disclose that information with me. He is flushed for you though, right?" she inquired gently.

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