Chapter 10

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Sollux sat on the couch in the living room chatting with his moirail on Trollian simply enjoying the luxury of being able to sit down. He had just completed the weeklong chore of cleaning out the room that he and Eridan had been using for storage and converting it into a nursery for their grubs.

After taking it easy for several days following the fever incident, Eridan had insisted that they needed to get started on the room before it was too late. It soon became evident that the sea troll wasn't going to be able to contribute much in the helping out department as he was unable to lift anything too heavy and could barely bend over to pick up anything small. The end result was an entire week of Sollux clearing everything out of the room and relocating it- by himself- before putting together and moving in all of the nursery stuff- by himself. All the while Eridan stood by barking orders at him like a drill sergeant and telling him that he was doing it all wrong. On more than one occasion Sollux had to try to reign in his psionics which were crackling out of his frustration, and once he had actually threatened Eridan that were he not pregnant at the moment he would punch him in the face. Eridan had countered that maybe if Sollux didn't sit on his ass all day at the computer he would be more competent at performing simple tasks of manual labor.

So as Sollux relaxed on the couch catching up with Aradia he was feeling rather black for his double concupiscent quadrantmate. Aradia was just describing some fascinating rocks that she had found outside a cave when Eridan sauntered into the room and took a seat next to Sollux on the couch.

"What do you want, fith breath?" Sollux grumbled without looking up from his husktop screen.

"Oh, nothin'," the violet blood responded casually- too casually. Sollux looked up from his screen in irritation to face the other troll.

"What ith that fathe for?" the yellow blood frowned.

"Hm?" Eridan questioned innocently but the smirk on his face was far from innocent. "I just wanted to thank you." Sollux suddenly felt a hand on his knee that was so cold he could feel it through his jeans. He looked down at the hand then back to Eridan with an eyebrow raised.

"To thank me," he repeated flatly. Eridan nodded slightly and leaned in closer.

"For all the hard work you did," he explained. Sollux grinned smugly. He could tell where Eridan was going with this and he couldn't say that he was opposed to the idea. It had been at least since the night before the fever scare that the two of them were last intimate.

"Oh yeah?" Sollux asked smoothly. "And how were you planning on doing that?" The Gemini received his answer in the form of Eridan closing the distance between them with a soft kiss to his lips.

"Like this," the sea troll whispered, pulling away from Sollux's mouth just enough to speak. The yellow blood quickly reconnected their lips and just like that he was red for the violet blooded troll all over again. Eridan grunted softly into the kiss as Sollux lowered himself to lie back against the couch cushions and brought Eridan down on top of him. The high blood settled between the double horned troll's legs with his stomach pressed against the warm body beneath him.

The two continued exchanging wet kisses and after a while they began grinding their hips together desperately. Sollux placed his hands on Eridan's hips for better leverage and Eridan had just slid an icy hand up his matesprit's shirt when suddenly the door to their hive burst open and Aradia stormed in.

"Sollux Captor!" she bellowed while looking highly pissed off.

"Fuck!" Sollux yelped in surprise with his hands frozen in place out of pure shock. Eridan's hands shot out and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch quickly draping it over himself to cover their bodies from view.

"What the hell, Megido? You can't just come bustin' into other trolls' hives!" Eridan shouted. The rust blood turned her angry glare to the sea troll.

"I am Sollux's moirail therefore I have the authority to enter whenever necessary," the Aries huffed.

"Well I am his matesprit and kismesis who also happens to live her an' I say no you fuckin' can't!" Eridan argued back with an air of superiority to his voice. Aradia looked confused for a moment.

"You can't be both-"

"Guyth!" Sollux cut in before the two could take things any further. Now that the initial excitement of the female troll's entrance had worn off she caught a whiff of something and crinkled her nose slightly as she examined the scent.

"What is that smell?" she questioned. "It smells familiar but it's so strange."

"What did you come here for, AA?" Sollux asked hoping to distract his moirail from her train of thought. It seemed to work as she focused her attention on the heterochromatic troll and stopped sniffing the air. Eridan attempted to surreptitiously draw the blanket more around himself and tried to press his body as close to Sollux as possible to keep the mass of his belly hidden.

"You completely abandoned our Trollian conversation," Aradia answered. She sounded disappointed. Sollux felt a wave of guilt wash over him and made eye contact with Eridan briefly. He felt like the worst moirail on the planet.

"I'll just leave you two alone," the Aquarius suggested once he had gathered enough of the blanket around himself to sit up with it draped over his shoulders.

"Are you sure?" Sollux asked worriedly. The last time Sollux had alone time with a friend while Eridan stayed in another room something horrible had happened. Eridan rolled his eyes.

"I'll be fine I promise," he assured. "I really feel like gettin' in the water anyways." Sollux still had his doubts but gave Eridan a gentle push to help him stand from the couch with the blanket wrapped around him like a cloak. He disappeared to the ablution block with the fabric of the blanket trailing behind him.

Sollux sat up, running a hand through his messy hair as the motioned for Aradia to have a seat next to him. As soon as she sat down she was enveloped in a hug by a pair of long scrawny arms.

"I'm thuch a shitty moirail," his words came out muffled by her thick, wavy hair. She sighed and reached a hand up to pap one of the arms that encircled her.

"It just seems like these past few months you've been so distracted," she admitted quietly. "I mean, I can understand that some of it has had to do with hiding your relationship with Eridan, but that has been going on for sweeps and everything was fine. It's only been recently that you have seemed a bit off," she said as if she were trying to solve a puzzle. Sollux felt his blood pusher pump a bit faster and pulled away from the embrace gently so that the other troll wouldn't notice. "It's like there's something else that you are hiding." The Gemini was certain that all of the blood had drained from his face. His moirail's deep red eyes seemed to gaze into his soul with such intensity that he had to suppress a shiver from going down his spine.

Several moments of silence passed with the two looking into each other's eyes. Sollux began to feel light headed and realized that he had been holding his breath, too afraid to move. He let out the breath slowly and watched Aradia's unphased expression. He couldn't keep lying to her but he also couldn't exactly tell her the truth- not yet.

"I'm thorry, AA," he apologized sincerely. He was apologizing for everything, for lying in the past and for not being able to tell her the truth in the present. Aradia's gaze still bore into him but gave nothing away. "There ith thomething elthe but I jutht can't tell you right now." He hoped that she would be able to accept that as an answer. He thought he glimpsed some sort of recognition flash through her deep gaze but he couldn't be too sure he even saw anything at all.

"I understand," she replied with the ghost of a smile playing on her lips. "The timing isn't right," she said cryptically. She leaned in to place a kiss on Sollux's confused brow before she stood from the couch ready to leave. "The spirits will keep me company in the meantime," her red lips spread into a full grin as she waved goodbye at the door and gently closed it behind her.

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