Chapter 7

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"Oh, I didn't realize you could hear us," Aradia admitted almost embarrassed.

"There's nothing more shrill than a couple of fangirls gossiping," Vriska sneered before collecting herself into a more aloof posture. "Besides, I was practically standing right next to the two of you the entire time," she said as she flipped her long hair nonchalantly over her shoulder.

"So you think it's a good idea to get Sollux and Feferi together?" Nepeta asked gingerly.

"I mean, the evidence is all right there," Aradia affirmed. "There's definitely something up with Sollux."

"Oh definitely," Vriska goaded, "you two should totally go for it." Aradia beamed at her co- conspirator.

"After the party we'll start drafting some plans," the Aries said excitedly. The cerulean blood pouted.

"Why make the lonely freak wait any longer for true redrom than he already has? I say you should get started now!" Vriska reasoned. The other two girls looked a bit reluctant.

"I don't know it's so sudden. Where would we even start?" Nepeta wondered. Vriska flashed her fangy grin, a mischievous glint returning to her eyes.

"You're two smart girls. I'm sure you'll think of something," she replied slyly.

"Alright, Operation Redrom is now underway," Aradia announced enthusiastically.

"Thanks Vriska," Nepeta called as the two set off to scheme up some ideas.

"No problem," Vriska answered falsely sweet before turning away laughing maniacally to herself. "Finally this lame party is about to get interesting," she muttered as she found a good spot to settle in order to watch the chaos unfold.

Not too long after Sollux, Eridan, and Kanaya discreetly rejoined the party, the yellow blood was being flagged down by their short-tempered host.

"Hey Sollux, we're starting a video game tournament over here. You in?" Karkat hollered from across the room. The Gemini felt himself relax a fraction at the thought of having something to distract his mind from constantly worrying about his matesprit. He surreptitiously glanced back at the violet blood regardless, silently checking to make sure it would be okay. The sea troll rolled his eyes back at him with a slight smile on his lips before nodding his consent.

"Fuck yeth I'm in," Sollux grinned as he headed over to where Karkat and Terezi were seated on the couch, controllers in hand, as they began the first round. Several of the other party attendees were also gathered around to watch the battles take place.

"You can play the winner," Karkat informed him once he reached the couch. "Which of course means you'll be playing me after I hand Terezi's perfectly plush rump to her on a silver dining device by the end of this round," the Cancer gloated.

"As much as I enjoy your flattery, Karkles, you are going down," Terezi laughed as she viciously mashed the buttons on her controller.

"You can't even fucking see what you're doing!" Karkat cried as he stared the game down on the screen in front of him.

"Aw, Karkat, your words wound me," the teal blood pouted dramatically before suddenly delivering the winning move. Her shrill victory cackle nearly drowned out the tirade her stunned matesprit launched into immediately following her win.

As Sollux took his seat next to Terezi on the couch, Eridan decided to return to the refreshment table for another cup of water. He passed by Gamzee on the way and the juggalo seemed to follow him to his destination.

"Hey there Eribro," the purple blood greeted. Eridan flinched in surprise and nearly dropped the cup he had just filled.

"Oh, hey Gam. You snuck up on me there," the sea dweller answered quietly.

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