Chapter 21

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Eridan awoke from his nap on the couch with a start and heard Psiion's frightened squeak at being awoken from where she had been dozing on his chest. He looked around to find out why he was hearing his matesprit's angry voice ringing out through the hive.

"Shit! Fuck!"

The Aquarius sat up in confusion as Psiion scampered down his chest and onto the couch cushions. "Sol?" he called out wondering what had gotten the other troll so upset. It clearly hadn't been him since he had been sleeping. He felt a slight prickle in the air that told him psionics were in use nearby.

"Jutht give me a fucking minute!" Sollux shouted from down the hall. "I'm too fucking pithed to leave thith room right now!"

"What happened? What's goin' on?" Eridan stood from the couch and picked up Psiion to carry her to the nursery figuring she would probably be hungry by this time. He set her down and she immediately took off after a nearby bug so he closed the door to the room and followed Sollux's angry noises into the office. "Sol?"

"Get out ED," Sollux warned as soon as he noticed Eridan had entered the room.

"Not until you tell me what in the bloody hell crawled up your ass an' died," Eridan demanded.

"I am going to end up doing thomething thtupid or hurting you if you don't jutht leave me alone until I can get calmed down," the Gemini said through gritted teeth as his psionics crackled around him.

"Well what-" Eridan paused when he finally saw what was around Sollux. The psionic had his computer pulled out from under his desk and his bees were buzzing around the room freely instead of busily working on powering the device. Nearly all of the wires to the computer lay in severed pieces under the desk. "Oh."

"Yeah, 'Oh'," Sollux snapped back sarcastically.

"How'd that happen?" Eridan asked apprehensively.

"Oh you mean how did all of the wireth get chewed through with a tiny thet of teeth? Gee, ED, I have no fucking clue!" Sollux raged. Eridan remained silent unsure of what to say next. "That'th why I jutht need to thtay in here until I calm down. I have to fix all this shit anywayth," he grumbled and turned back to his mess of a computer to set to work on it. Eridan sighed and left Sollux alone as he had requested. He returned to the nursery and found his grub playing in the shallow pool of water.

"Psiion," he called her name to get her attention. The tiny violet blood chirped and crawled up onto the ledge of the pool as he came to sit on the floor beside it. He cast a glance over at the two eggs that still sat motionless in the water and he felt his blood pusher clench.

"Psi," he began unsure of how to actually say what he wanted to say. "You've managed to really piss your other dad off. Let me just go ahead an' tell you right now that the rule of thumb is to never under any circumstances touch any a' Sol's computer stuff unless you are prepared to suffer the consequences. Do you understand?" he asked. Psiion furrowed her brow at his serious tone and squeaked. Eridan gave her a smile and petted her head, "I know you didn't know what you were doin'." The young grub squeaked again. Eridan thought he felt something on the grub's head when he patted her and felt around over her hair experimentally. Sollux entered the room looking exasperated.

"What are you doing?" Sollux asked when he noticed the Aquarius parting Psiion's hair and inspecting her scalp.

"I thought I felt somethin' on her head," Eridan muttered as he continued to inspect. Psiion kept trying to move away from her parent's ministrations. "I think she's got another set a' horns comin' in," Eridan finally said in surprise.

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