Chapter 17

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            Sollux sat alone in the nursery with his husktop in his lap as he worked on a code for a new virus. Eridan had remained obstinate over the past couple of weeks insisting that they could figure out a way for them to both survive the impending drone visit. He really hoped his matesprit was right although he highly doubted it, then again he was known for being a pessimist.

He looked over at the eggs that sat in the pool beside him. There were only two months left before they would hatch. He wondered if it would take that long for the drones to arrive so he could at least see if any of his grubs had survived. The Gemini reached out to run his fingers over the smooth surfaces of the shells when his husktop pinged with a new message. He gently touched each egg before withdrawing his hand and looking at his computer screen.

GA: We Are Ready To Stage The Attack. When Would You Be Available?

TA: anytiime'2 good ii gue22

GA: ...

GA: You Do Realize That We Will Require Your Presence At The Vantas-Pyrope Hive?

Sollux felt a drop in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't leave his hive that would mean leaving Eridan and the eggs alone. What if the drones came while he was gone and culled Eridan on the spot?

TA: Kanaya ii can't do that ii can't leave eriidan and the egg2.

GA: I Understand That It Is Difficult. Ultimately The Decision Is Up To You. As I Have Mentioned To Eridan, These Are Trying Times And We All Have Difficult Choices To Make.

Sollux stared at the screen for a long moment. He didn't want to not help his friend especially since it was a life or death situation. He also didn't want to leave his matesprit and eggs which could potentially turn into a life or death situation.

TA: how long would iit take?

GA: It Depends On How Well Your Body Handles Blood Loss. You May Lose Quite A Bit Of Blood Doing This And May Require A Bit Of Rest Afterwards.

TA: ii don't care how much blood ii've lo2t ii need two get back here two ED a2 2oon a2 po22iible.

GA :...

GA: Sollux, You Know I Cannot Allow You To Do That.

TA: FUCK! let me talk two eriidan about thii2.

Sollux placed his husktop on the floor beside him and once again looked over at the eggs. "I hope you guyth appreciate how much shit we're going through to keep you thafe," he told them then sighed and stood up. "I'm talking to eggth that can't hear me and might not even be alive," he said to himself. He went to the ablution block where Eridan was taking a shower.

"Sol? Is that you?" Eridan asked from behind the glass of the shower door.

"Yeah I'm in here," Sollux answered as he made his way to the load gaper.

"How are they?" the violet blood asked while lathering his hair.

"Thame ath alwayth," the Gemini said as he relieved himself into the load gaper then flushed and went to the sink to wash his hands. "Eridan?" he called out uncertainly once he was ready to broach the topic.


"Kanaya jutht methaged me and told me that they're ready to uthe my blood," he informed his matesprit.

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