Chapter 12

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            The nights seemed to drag by agonizingly slow. Eridan was growing bored of being cooped up in the ablution trap by himself. He was tired of only being able to see Sollux by having him camp out in the ablution block for a few hours or whenever the yellow blood came into the room to use it for its intended purpose. He missed sleeping against the other troll in their recuperacoon. He was able to convince the psionic to sleep with him in the ablution trap one day but that was about all he could do was one day.

Sollux was never too far way from Eridan. His instincts told him to stay close and protect his matesprit while he was at his most vulnerable. He ended up having to send Kanaya to the store to get groceries for their hive because his overwhelming need to stay by Eridan's side prevented him from doing the task himself. Even though he knew that Kanaya was providing them with more help and support than he thought was possible, he still couldn't control the slight crackling of his psionics or the low growl that escaped his throat whenever she came around.

"It will probably get worse once the eggs have been laid you know," the jade blood commented as she helped him put food away.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"Your protective instincts," she smiled. "It is one thing when they are inside Eridan but it is entirely different when they are sitting there out in the open all on their own." She placed the last can on the shelf and turned her attention back to him. "You most likely will not be able to have anyone over to the hive nor is it likely you will be leaving until they hatch."

"That'th four month'th!" Sollux exclaimed in surprise. "How am I going to exthplain thuddenly dropping off the radar for four month'th?" Kanaya gathered the bags of things she had gotten for herself.

"That is entirely up to you." She reached the door and turned around. "Who knows? Maybe you will be able to handle it," she waved good bye and let herself out the door. Sollux groaned in frustration and stormed off to the office to try to get some work done.

"What's wrong?" Eridan's voice echoed off the tiles as the Gemini stomped passed the ablution block.

"Fucking inthtincth are hoof beatht shit!" he growled in response before making it to his destination and throwing himself into his computer chair.

"Tell me about it" Eridan grumbled sinking a bit lower in the water to rest his head on his arms on the side of the tub. The violet blood was bored out of his mind. He started trying to find shapes in the tiles for the second time that night and before he knew it he had drifted off to sleep.

Eridan was awakened from his nap by a sharp, shooting pain in his lower abdomen. His eyes snapped open and he frantically took in his surroundings. He was still in the tub in the ablution block and it was still dark outside. He winced as the pain dulled and attempted to shift his body away from the edge of the tub only to bring on a new wave of pain. He gripped the edge of the tub so hard his knuckles went several shades lighter. The Aquarius whimpered slightly as he waited for this new wave of pain to pass. He chanced a glace down at his large stomach and nearly forgot to breathe when he noticed the water in the tub now had a slight violet tint to it.

"Sollux!" he choked out as another gut wrenching wave washed over him. He nearly screamed out loud but instead tightened his grip on the tub. "Sollux!"

The yellow blood paused his typing when he heard his name being called. Something about Eridan's voice didn't seem quite right so he hurriedly jumped up from his computer chair and rushed to the ablution block. The scene he was met with had him immediately pulling out his phone and sending the fastest text to Kanaya that he could manage telling her to get over to their hive as quickly as possible. Eridan looked pale and his face was screwed up in pain as he held onto the edge of the ablution trap like his life depended on it. The water itself looked like it was clouded with his blood.

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