Chapter 15

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Eridan maintained contact with Kanaya through Trollian to keep her informed of the eggs' well being. There were still two and a half months left until they were expected to hatch so they had done little more than just sit in the shallow pool of water while, hopefully, the grubs inside grew and developed. Sollux still felt bad about not being able to control himself to have the jade blood actually be able to stop by but Kanaya was very understanding. The main thing on most everyone's mind was what they were going to do when the drones showed up for collecting.

No one had heard any news of Feferi and the hope that she could stop the drones from coming was beginning to flicker out.

"Do you and Sollux have a plan yet?" Kanaya asked during her video call with Eridan. The high blood had brought his husktop into the meal block with him as he prepared dinner.

"Honestly, Kan," Eridan said as he placed his dish in the oven to bake, "we don't have a fuckin' clue what to do. The only strategy we can come up with is to just fill both pails and hope we are able to pull off a flip successfully enough for both pails to qualify. If we give 'em what they need hopefully they'll leave the hive without noticin' the eggs."

"Or grubs, depending on how long it takes them to come," Kanaya added. Eridan rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses.

"Cod Kan, that'll be a fuckin' nightmare tryin' to contain movin', livin' grubs long enough for me an' Sol to fuck twice then get the drones on their way." He poured himself a glass of water and took a sip. "Have you worked out what to do with Kar and Rezi yet?" Kanaya gave an uncertain look and tilted her head slightly.

"Perhaps? We were thinking of staging an attack at their hive. If it appears as though the residents of the hive were killed then it would explain why the hive would be empty. In the meantime I am trying to speak with some associates of mine to arrange for Karkat and Terezi to be hidden in one of the brooding caverns," the jade blood explained.

"That all sounds complicated," Eridan said as he took another sip of his drink.

"It is quite exhausting," the Virgo admitted. "But these are trying times and I can only hope that we will all make it through them successfully." Eridan hummed in agreement then went to peek into the oven before returning to his husktop.

"Sol won't shut up about how sorry he is that he ended up gettin' ya with his light show," the sea troll said with an eye roll.

"I have told him time and time again that I am not upset nor hurt from it," Kanaya covered her mouth to suppress a giggle. "I completely understand. I was the one to warn you about how powerful and unpredictable a troll's natural instincts can be."

"I'll see if I can beat some sense into him," the Aquarius muttered with another sip of his beverage.

"Oh, Eridan?" Kanaya asked suddenly. The violet blood lifted his eyebrows in question. "In order to stage that attack at Karkat and Terezi's hive we are going to need to use some blood. We obviously can not use Karkat's so we will need for someone to volunteer some to use in the staging."

"Whey can't you just use Terezi's?" Eridan asked with a frown.

"We are using hers but we will need one more. The hive was obviously home to two trolls. It must look as though two trolls were killed in the attack." When Eridan still appeared skeptical she added, "I can not use my own because as a jade blood it would raise suspicions."

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