Deadly Discoveries

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A/N Hullo! This is my first story on this website, so I hope you like it! By the way, Blue is a girl and Green is a boy in this story, and since I read both scanlations and the actual manga, the nicknames I have for the pokémon might not be what you are used to.

ALSO. If you are a fangirl/boy: Please keep in mind that this is not meant to be offensive! This is simply a humorous variable thrown into the lives of our favorite characters, and if you identify as a fan, please do not be offended by their portrayal. Who knows? Maybe the pokemon world has a different breed of fangirl. Or you might completely identify with this description. Either way, no offense or harm is meant by any of this! I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, or the Pokémon Adventures/Special manga.

It was a beautiful spring morning in Viridian City. A light breeze gambolled between the buildings, and the fresh, earthy scent of the Viridian Forest was swept along with it. The sunlight shone down, bright, but not harsh. It was 8:00 am when a young girl of fourteen awoke, smiling at the little yellow pokémon that had pounced upon her head.

"G'morning Chuchu." The girl yawned sleepily. The pikachu seemed to grin, and bounded off into the depths of the small house. Amarillo del bosque verde followed suit, brushing stray strands of blonde hair from her face and deftly pulling it into a ponytail.

I wonder what we'll do today. She thought as she changed into her usual; a yellow tunic buckled down over a black shirt, and purple boots pulled over the hem of her jeans. She poured herself a bowl of Kabut-Os, and contemplated that this day seemed like it was going to be another relaxing spring day, with nothing to worry about; no evil teams, saving the world, or other such duties that come with owning a pokédex to perform.

Or so she thought.

After polishing off the cereal, she left the empty bowl in the sink and stretched.

"C'mon Chuchu, let's go for a little walk. Maybe we'll see Green, he's usually up pretty early too!" Yellow snatched her fishing pole and hat from where they leaned against the wall and placed her hand on the handle, waiting patiently as Chuchu clambered onto her shoulder with a happy; "Chu!" Yellow threw open the door and stood for a moment on the stoop, basking in the spring sunlight.

"Umm... excuse me, but are you Yellow Caballero?" The girl whipped around at the sound of the voice, and saw a boy around her age with short brown hair and glasses.

"Uh.. Yes, that's me. Is there something you need?" Yellow queried, bemused at the stranger.

"Yes!" The strange boy shouted excitedly. "Could I get your autograph?"

"My, wait, what?!" Yellow turned around, but seeing nobody behind her, she concluded that this boy must be addressing her. But, why would he want an autograph from her of all people?!

"Your autograph! My friends and I think you're so cool.. I mean, beating Lance of the Elite Four? Not to mention that triple volt-tackle at the Battle Frontier! And your healing and mind-reading powers!?" He stopped suddenly, as if realizing he had embarrassed his listener. "I-I'm.. a bit of a Yellow fanboy.." He admitted, blushing madly.

What is going on here? Yellow thought madly. I have FANS?! I'm not supposed to have fans, I'm not the TYPE to have fans. Red and Green and Gold are the type to have fans! She paused, Yeah, Gold is DEFINITELY the type to have fangirls mooning over him. But why me?! And how does this boy even know all this? Prof. Oak told us that the media never released reports on what we did, at the Frontier, Ilex Forest, OR Cerise Island!

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